Sunday 2 June 2013

Coronation Street weekly update, May 31 2013

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Greetings and welcome to the Coronation Street Weekly Update. Find out more about the Coronation Street Weekly Updates and why they've been written for th'internet since 1995 at

Hello everyone. For those of you who have been with me from the very start of writing these updates, you’ll know we’ve been together, week in, week out, for over 18 years.  I started writing these weekly updates back in 1995 for th’internet and they’ve usually, more or less, been emailed to you every Monday or Tuesday reporting the week’s events on the cobbles ending with the episodes on a Monday night. Well, 18 years is a long time for anyone to stick to a routine so I hope you’ll forgive me for changing things a little.  I’m now going to be writing and sending the weekly updates over a weekend covering the week’s events from Monday to Friday inclusive.  And so without any further ado, here we go with this week's Coronation Street update

Baby Windass-McIntyre-possibly-Duckworth was born this week when Tina went into labour early in the Rovers Return. Fortunately for Tina she was rushed to hospital in time to deliver her premature baby boy in safety although he’s now spending time in a special baby unit.  And it was also fortunate for Stella that Tina got to hospital in time. Well, you wouldn’t want waters breaking all over the new fabrics in the refurbished pub, would you?  Anyway, Tina and Izzy are in tears at the sight of their new baby but Izzy tells Gary she wants nowt to do with him after she finds out he tried to kiss Tina on the soft furnishings the other week.  She even bans him from seeing the baby, but he sneaks in when Izzy’s not there and Tina lets Gary see his son.  It’s very intense and emotionally charged, and when Izzy arrives at th’ospickle to find Gary gazing at the baby, she chucks a mental and it’s left to Tina to step in to sort things out. She tells them to sort themselves out and bans them both from seeing the baby until they do so.  But as Izzy simmers with anger at Gary, he pleads to fix things with Izzy. “Fix it?” she yells at him “It’s not a poxy vase. It’s us. It’s my heart!”, But it’s Tina they should both be keeping an eye on as she starts developing a bond with her baby, their baby.

Sally’s been wonderful this week.  She gets tipsy in the Rovers, drinking alone and bemoaning the fact she hasn’t got a fella.  In fact she gets so tipsy that she tells Norris:  “You’re a silly little man. A nasty little elf. A nasty little bald elf.” Which is fair enough, I’d say, and then to Steve: “You’re a nice bald elf,” which is also pretty spot on. 

Jenna and Sophie help Sally create an online profile for an internet dating site and then go shopping with her for new clothes to help her create the persona she wants to project –  dynamic, mysterious and witty – rather than the way she’s currently perceived – beans meanz tea.

Over at Underworld, there’s stolen silk shenanigans going on. Rob and Tracy stole the silk from Carla last week and have it holed up in a lock-up.  Carla does some ringing around and finds out from (and I love this next bit for both the alliteration and the mention of my home city) Sandra at Saunders of Sunderland – that a woman has been on the phone to her offering some silk at a knock down price.  Carla tells Sandra to arrange a time and place to meet the woman, who is of course Tracy and Carla turns up instead when Rob’s expecting Sandra at Saunders of Sunderland’s Manchester rep. In exchange for not dobbing Rob into the cops, Carla tells her brother that she wants his shares of Underworld back. “Sign up or go down,” she growls, proving she’s got the size of balls that her brother can only dream of. So, not only has Rob fallen out with his sister, lost his job and his factory shares, he also gets short shrift from Deirdre when Tracy takes him home for a spot of tea and telly. Deirdre’s not best pleased when she finds out what’s going on. She tells Tracy: “Get him outta my house!” names him Flash Harry and calls him scum. I love Deirdre when she’s on fire like that.

And finally this week, Stella and Karl go to dinner at Dev’s. Stella thinks she’s being matey to a friend and a neighbour while Karl’s conscience tries, and fails, to give him a hard time over sharing a bottle of Freshco red with the husband of the woman he murdered in the Rovers fire.

And that's just about that for this week. Remember, you can sign up to get these Corrie weekly updates by email at

This week's writers Jayne Hollinson, John Kerr, Chris Fewtrell and Jan McVerry.  Find out more about the Coronation Street writing team at

Glenda Young
Blogging away merrily at

You can follow us on Twitter @CoroStreetBlog and Facebook: CoronationStreetBlog

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All original work on the Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License


  1. Magnificent as Deirdre was tearing into Tracy and Rob, I couldn't help wondering where Ken was - presumably upstairs comatose, like a sort of living Stan Ogden.

    While William Roache is away defending himself on rape charges, this is always going to be something of a sticky problem.

  2. True bet poor William is wishing he hadn't written his biography on his many affairs he has had - obviously someone has a grudge to bear. But I always believe a person is innocent until proved guilty.Back to story....
    About time Deidre showed her backbone and more like her mother Blance - think she should give Tracey and her slimy boyfriend the door. Perhaps Steve can get rid of Ryan and have more time with Amy she at least with the help of Michelle and Deidre a stabler life... Rob stating to Carla that she owes him - owes him nothing needs a good talking to and a wakening to the read world

  3. Frosty the Snowman3 June 2013 at 07:32

    Bill Nibs - wondering where Ken was - dont you read the newspapers - he wasnt about to emerge from upstairs from listening to his classical tapes now was he??????

  4. I'm pretty sure Deirdre's outburst was a re-write of what was originally intended for Ken. He had previously told Peter that he thought Rob was a bad influence on Tracy. Having said that, I thought it was a brilliant scene and about time Deirdre woke up.

  5. Much prefer a Mon-Fri review as I often don't watch Monday's eps until Tues, whereas by Sunday I've usually caught up and can read the reviews without spoilers. They're the highlight of the Corrie week!

  6. Yes, it occurred to me that Ken's enforced absence could well result in a more critical Dierdre, as far as Tracyluv is concerned. Could be a very good thing. We've been waiting for Deirdre to wake up and smell the stuffed marrow ...
