Monday 3 June 2013

Brooke Vincent has Corrie contract renewed

There's a good interview with Brooke Vincent, who plays Coronation Street's Sophie Webster, in the Mirror. 

Brooke turns 21 tomorrow, Tuesday June 4 and in the interview she talks about growing up in the public eye, maintaining a relationship with her boyfriend, playing Sophie the Corrie lesbian and being protective of Helen Flanagan.

There's also a video of Brooke doing a birthday shoot, which if you like that sort of thing is the sort of thing you'll like. It's here.

The Daily Star also reports that Brooke has been given another deal to stay on Coronation Street, by which I guess that means she's had her contract renewed, or, in tabloid speak Brooke "agreed the mega-bucks deal after a meeting with the ITV soap’s boss Stuart Blackburn".

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  1. Frosty the Snowman3 June 2013 at 07:45

    I just think of all those excellent unemployed young actresses out there that would kill for a part in Corrie and then they renew yet again the contract of this mediocre mumbler.

  2. I couldn't agree more. Sophie is dreadful to listen to, boring, and unpleasant to watch.

  3. Morning Frosty! See you've had your toast and jam this morning already!

  4. I agree with Frosty. The difference between the child 'actor' and the trained professional was so obvious a few episodes ago when Jenna looked so in love with Sophie, without even saying a word. The mumbler however, just mumbled.
    Getting a job when you're a few weeks old, or about 6 years just because you look like the progeny of your on screen parents, does NOT mean you'll be able to act and hold the character together as an adult.
    Chesney and Simon are my exceptions to this rule however.

  5. Agree with Frosty. Brooke seems a nice enough girl, but rubbish actor. She's one of the Corrie babes that has never been directed properly on the show. 'Be yourself', a director told her early on, and that's how she's been ever since. I also don't find her relationship with Jenna in the least believable. I guess they'll be pushing Brooke to take over Michelle Keegan's 'sexiest soap star' mantle.

  6. They only seem to be pushing for those involved in certain storylines, if you get my drift? Seems to be the only real focus on the show now, that and foisting the Price family on us ad nauseum.

  7. "She is a fantastic actress and a hit with the audience."

  8. Mumble, mumble, swallowing words, mumble, mumble.

    Instead of a pay raise, could they give her elocution and acting lessons instead? Horrible actress, the worst on Corrie. The actress playing Katie is Dame Judy Dench by comparison.

  9. Agree with Frosty. Yet another year of Sophie working in the corner shop a few hours a week with zero ambition, and unbelievable relationship with the born -again teenager Jenna ...... Just when I thought perhaps the tide had turned..... :(

  10. So disagree! I think Sophie is great, a lovely natural girl, while I can barely understand a word Katie says.

  11. I agree with Frosty. Her character is going nowhere and her relationship with Jenna is completely unrealistic. I cannot believe that someone with Jenna's experience and education would work in a backstreet corner shop. Could the writers at least having her working at the Medical Centre if she couldn't leave the street?
