Sunday 12 May 2013

Stay tuned to the Coronation Street Blog this week!

I will have something very special to report back to the lovely followers of the Coronation Street Blog later this week.

Yes, I'm making a very exciting pilgrimage to Manchester's most famous cobbled street this coming week and I'll be blogging about it right here on Friday. I'll be keeping the purpose of my visit very close to my chest for now, but I can't wait to share it all with you!

Watch out for my blog on Friday! 

You can follow us on Twitter @CoroStreetBlog and Facebook: CoronationStreetBlog

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All original work on the Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License


  1. I'm hoping they're going to offer you a job as a writer or story consultant.

  2. Looking forward to reading your next blog. I wonder though, how does a person tell who is blogging - I might miss it:)

  3. Anon 20:46
    The name is in the blue box at the bottom of each post, beside the number of comments.

  4. Anon 2 - Our names appear at the bottom of the post :)


  5. Anonymous - I should be so lucky!!

  6. The fact that Anna's family came into the street as you mentioned has bothered me too. The writers sometimes do not seem to have a clue. I think a prerequisite for any Corrie writer is to know the history of the show.

  7. Thank you - I wonder how I have missed the bloggers name so many times:(

  8. Sounds very exciting! Have a great time! :-)

    I've heard there is a big press conference on Tuesday at Media City.
