Wednesday 8 May 2013

Corrie's surrogacy storyline ending revealed

There's a Coronation Street spoiler in today's Daily Sar revealing the end of the surrogacy storyline.  If it's true, then the Star says that Tina will refuse to hand over the baby.

The baby's going to be a boy, who they will call Jake.  But Tina changes the baby's name to Joe, after her dad, and says she's not handing him over.

Rita finds out and offers to pay the cash to Owen for the money he paid Tina to be a surrogate.

Tina will then tell Tommy and Rita: “I don’t care whether they are the love story of the century, I’m doing this for me and my Joe. He’s my son.”

Then Tina faces a backlash from the Windass clan and will be given the boot from her flat, which is paid for by Owen.  Tina threatens court action – and Rita offers to pay her fees.

What do you think about all of this?  The surrogacy storyline, for this fan, has been a drag of a drawn-out storyline but it sounds as if it's going to end on a bit of excitement, anyway.

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  1. Frosty the Snowman8 May 2013 at 07:58

    I think we can only surmise and I would take this with a pinch of salt. As we know Tina is leaving anything could happen. As I said in a previous post it just underlines the PURE STUPIDITYand total RECKLESSNESS of this whole saga. Why would she want to keep a baby that she has only been incubator to when she is young and could have plenty of her own biological children.

  2. This shows the power of a mothers love, when you carry a baby for nine months you can never determine how you will feel, from one moment to another, never mind after you give birth. Pregnancy is never easy and i cannot imagine not having your child at the end of it .

  3. Humpty Dumpty8 May 2013 at 09:02

    Sounds like they've used Michelle Keegan's departure for a 'massively explosive' exit for Tina. No doubt, she'll disappear to live with very good mates that we've never seen or heard her talk about. This storyline has been deeply unmoving and one can only be thankful that it won't be dragged out much longer.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Well nobody saw that coming. Except me, four months ago. When she goes, can she take the largest part of the Windass/Armstrong nexus of tedium with her please - Gary, Izzy, Katie and Owen. Leave Faye and Anna behind so Anna and Tim can get together

    Can Tina actually claim "ownership" of this child? She contributed the womb and that's it. None of its DNA is hers

  6. Frosty the Snowman8 May 2013 at 09:57

    Well if Owen had gone to a proper surrogate and drawn up a legal contract..... but of course he had to use the young local barmaid who at the time was down on her luck - I doubt whether the Windass/Armstrong/ Munster clan would have a leg to stand on in Court.

  7. If that storyline leak is genuine, then it's idiotic. Gary's sperm, Izzy's egg - Tina, the storage unit. She wouldn't have a legal leg to stand on. The only "twist" I could maybe accept would be that she had just gotten pregnant by Tommy and DNA proves it's hers - not theirs.

    ~JB in Canada

  8. No, she'd have a leg to stand on, because there was no legal contract. For all the court could know, Gary and Izzy was helping Tina and Tommy out.

  9. Hopefully it's true and she bogs off with the kid and Tommy in tow.
    I don't get money bags Rita..she has dosh to throw at Tina like there's no tomorrow but gives Denis grief when he buys something for her or spends a tad more at the market...weird.

  10. Would that this were the end of stories that in no way resemble the real world of a quiet back street.

  11. Omg is there never a happy ending in this street. Give the baby up to gary and izzy. Leave the street if thats what you want. Tell the rest of the gang to quit their whining as you go, IM converting slowly but surely to an Eastenders follower after 50 years of watching corrie. Sad but true.

  12. They went through a legit surrogacy clinic, so I'm sure there's paperwork that was indeed signed by all parties.

    ~JB in Canada

  13. Actually when Tina first went to the fertility clinic with Izzy and Gary the doctor told them Gary and Izzy would have to legally adopt the baby after it was born,so Tina would be able to keep the baby as long as Gary and Izzy don't adopt him first

  14. This is silly it is not Tina's baby period. Mother love be dammed.

  15. I really hoped this story would end up with Gary and Izzy getting their child so I am not happy about this at all.

  16. In the eyes of the law, the woman who gives birth to a child is it's mother, until a parental order is granted to the intended parents (ie Gary and Izzy).

    However, it was arranged as a surrogacy arrangement through a clinic, and Tina was a host surrogate (the baby being genetically Gary and Izzy's) so Gary and Izzy would have a good case I should imagine.

    Awful, implausible, irresponsible storyline IMO. None of the parties involved were mature enough to go ahead, and I struggle to believe that any clinic would allow them to.

  17. A DNA test should be done to show that it's Tina & Tommy's baby. Done!

  18. Michelle Connor8 May 2013 at 17:58

    Yawn. Don't care.

  19. I don't know what the law is in the UK, but most North American surrogacy clinics require a contract be signed before they implant the embryo. If that is the case, it would seem that Tina's only legal claim would depend on a DNA test proving that the baby was her's and Tommy's.

  20. Yet again, another plot rather than character driven story. Tina has always been a fairly pragmatic woman, and has always been very clear that it's Izzy and Garry's baby, not hers. For her to suddenly decide that it's "her" baby is ludicrous, and totally out of character. Not impressed...
    Rebecca in TO

  21. This will make me hate Tina. I agree with anon above- totally out of character.

  22. The writers may have changed the ending when Mitch decided her time on the Cobbles was over.

  23. The only way I can see Tina keeping the babeh is if it was determined that the baby is Tommy's and not Gary's.....unless creepy Gary becomes even more creepier and Tina figures he will be an awful Dad to the babeh. At least there won't be another babeh on the street hiding in the cupboard for ages before seen again.

  24. No way, as if that would happen. Ugh she better not get to keep it.

  25. The only thing I can think of is that it's not Gary and Izzy's baby at all but Tina and Tommy's. Otherwise why would you want to keep somebody else's baby from them. And wouldn't Rita see the sense in that not pay out loads of dosh to
    buy Izzy and Gary's baby to give to Tina? Because that's what she would be doing if it wasn't Tina's egg that was fertilized.

    Bella Hope, I have to disagree with you I'm afraid, this isn't a mother's love she's a surrogacy so she isn't the mother.

    Tina went into this with her eyes wide open for the cash, plain and simple and should have had counselling before and throughout. If not then it's another sensational slip up by the writers to grab ratings, saying it emulates real life, when it does no such thing.

    Do they take expert advice anymore on matters to make things realistic? They used to be so good. Only this week somebody mentioned that the insurance regarding the Rovers wouldn't have not not paid out because of the keys being left by the bar and there are so many other poor examples. From my own experience of depression, in relation to John Stape, advice was no way taken from the medical profession, but more from Billy Smart's Circus Clown Department , or certainly seemed like it, the awful way they portrayed mental illness.
    (Anyone of you talented people fancy doing a more thorough piece on this? on how Corrie just sensationalizes situations when in all honesty it wouldn't happen.... Graeme? Flaming Nora? Tvor, Llifon, Clinkers? :)

  26. that is an absolutley silly way to end the surrogacy why can`t they do something good for a change and it would be more in character


  28. It's a shame to lose the character Tina. Remember she's just acting .. she can only do what they present her with. As for the baby .. let's hope it is hers and Tommy's. Gary has shown his true colours .. he's not capable of being true to Izzy. This doesn't make him a good candidate for a father either.

  29. Im i the only one who loves this storyline, Its has being obvious for months that Tina has been struggling carrying the baby. I hope Tina does keep the baby, would be even better if it turned out the baby was hers and Tommys but either way is good. After very recently giving birth myself i can completely see this happening, regardless of how the baby got in their, once you carry a child, feel it move, sacrifice things in order to protect the well being of the child and then suffer the trauma of birth and the exhilaration afterwards i cant see how anyone would then willingly give up the child.

  30. <=== How can you say that! Lots of women have done surrogacy! They then hand the baby over. . . people doit when using their own eggs for goodness sake! Thank goodness there are peopleout there that can seperate their feelings so that they are able to go through with it I have an awful lot of respect for people who become surrogates.

  31. I'm a surrogate and all of you apart from one, have got it wrong. Surrogates do not get paid, we just get our expenses back. The baby is legally the surrogate's, no matter who is the actual biological mum, until the Parental Order is issued by the courts and we never, ever give the baby away or hand it over. We simply give the baby back to it's mum and dad.

    My friends have managed to help nearly 90 babies arrive in this world thanks to being surrogates and not one of us have ever thought of keeping the baby or babies as some have had twins.

    Corrie actually interviewed one of my close surrogate friends to get the surro's point of view but what a waste of time, they completely disregarded every positive point she made and just showed the worst that can happen.


  32. To the surrogate above, I was waiting to see if anyone would make a sensible comment, thank you.
    I am also starting to look I to surrogacy myself, not sure if there is any way that you and I could talk?

  33. I see both sides of the argument yes Tina should not have the baby but she is legally the mother of the baby and Biologically Izzy is the mother as well but it looked like Tina cared more for the baby then Izzy did
