Friday 10 May 2013

Corrie A-Z: C is for the Corner Shop (Part 2: 1980- )

Having looked at the Corner Shop between 1960 and 1980 on Wednesday, today we look at the shop since 1980.

Alf Roberts 1980-1993, 1993-1994 

For me, this was the corner shop’s golden era. Indeed, Alf is still synonymous for his role as the street’s grocer. In 1985, the shop became a self-service establishment and Alf calls it the ‘Mini Market’. The same year he married Audrey Potter. Over the years he employed Deirdre Langton/Barlow, Sally Webster and Ivy Brennan and Audrey helped him out from time to time. In 1993, Alf sold the shop to Brendan Scott but bought it back upon Brendan’s sudden death. He sold it again in 1994 to Reg Holdsworth and took the ham slicer with him as a memento.

Brendan Scott 1993

Brendan renamed the shop ‘Best Buys’ and adapted an historical theme to the shop’s outlook. He kept Deirdre on as an assistant plus Emily Bishop. Nicky Platt became his delivery boy. But like Lionel Petty, he’s not a favourite with the locals unlike Alf. But the strain of managing the shop got to Brendan and he collapses of a fatal heart attack at the shop. His widow sells the shop and Alf buys it back.

Reg Holdsworth (1994-1996), Maureen Holdsworth/Elliott (1996-1997) and Fred Elliott (1997-1999)

Reg ran the shop with wife Maureen and mother-in-law Maud Grimes but soon got a job at supermarket Firman’s Freezers and left Maureen to run the shop with Sally Webster doing the odd evening-shift. Reg left Maureen for Lowestoft with his pregnant mistress and Maureen was given the shop in the divorce settlement. Maureen ran the shop with mum Maud. Sally leaves her post as assistant and Claire Palmer takes it up until early 1997. Maureen marries butcher Fred Elliott but after a week runs off with Bill Webster and Fred takes up the shop. Fred reluctantly took up the shop to Maud’s chagrin. After two years he sells up to Ravi Desai.

Ravi Desai 1999

Ravi owned a string of small shops in Weatherfield. After charming the likes of Alma, Audrey and Rita, Ravi left for India and sold his empire to his nephew Dev. Ravi’s assistants were his daughter Nita and son Vikram.

Dev Alahan 1999-

Dev is the current owner of the Corner Shop. Among his assistants have been Deirdre Rachid, Sunita Pareck/Alahan, Amber Kalirai, Sophie Webster, Leanne Battersby, Molly Dobbs and Jenna Kamara. Since Dev took over the shop, the shop has been destroyed twice: gutted in a fire started by Maya Sharma in 2004; and in 2010 when a tram crashed into it, killing Molly and trapping Sunita.
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  1. Ravi's daughter was actually called Nita, not Nina. She was a feisty, career-oriented young woman, so of course she was quickly written out:)

  2. Loved the way Alf modernised the corner shop, but still retained the name (as well as adding "ALf's Mini Market"). In fact, it was only from 1985 onwards that the Corner Shop actually had CORNER SHOP on the main sign over the door, in red on a white background. Before that, it was known as the "Corner Shop" by all and sundry, it had always simply carried signs such as "L Clegg - Provisions", RENEE BRADSHAW or ALFRED ROBERTS.
