Friday 10 May 2013

Coronation Street Blog makes news in the Daily Star

Earlier in the week, we reported that the Coronation Street Blog had made the news in the Loughborough Echo. And we can say today that the blog has also made it to the Daily Star.
As with the Echo, the article in the Star is about the poll we conducted on the blog asking for your favourite Corrie accessory, and as you know, Hilda Ogden's curlers triumphed, with Roy Cropper's bag a close second. To see the full results, see here.
Read the Daily Star article here.
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  1. Congratulations! Now it's time for another poll : Yea or Nay, has St Ella overstayed her welcome? Let's see if the papers take up that one, and maybe those in charge will listen.

  2. Brilliant idea, Anon! Although, I dare say some people will accuse us of character defamation ...!

  3. Great idea for a poll. I bet you would get the biggest voter turnout yet.
