Tuesday 30 April 2013

Spoilers for next week's Coronation Street, May 6 - 10

Without any piffle, here's the storyline for the week ahead on Coronation Street, all wrapped up nicely in 50 words or less.

Week of Monday 6 May to Friday 10 May

David has a seizure, Stella offers Owen half of Rovers, Roy receives letter from his dad, Izzy’s upset about Gary and Tina, Stella applies to be a scrubber at the Bistro.

The full weekly preview, with loads of pictures is right here on Corrie.net

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  1. Funny sort of epilepsy, David has. Not even mentioned for months, doesn't restrict his life in any way, then suddenly appears when it's a useful plot device.

  2. or useless plot device, depending on your perspective. ;)

  3. I thought they changed producers, I must have read that wrong as it appears from the story lines we are getting and reports of what's to come that Collinson is still in charge.

  4. Of course Beigey has to get a job at the Bistro because that's where everyone and their dog are now drinking - 'She Who Must Be in Every Damn Scene'.!

  5. Of course Stella should a scrubber at the Bistro, it is what she is. Her one daughter was a professional scrubber while the other does it as a hobby.

  6. Yet another Corrie character lying unconscious...ho hum.

  7. Wherever will they find a beige tabard for St Ella to wear?

  8. Oh bother, David's doing epilepsy again. Next, we'll learn it's terminal and he'll insist that Nick promises to adopt and raise his baby with Kylie.

  9. Wtf is terminal epilepsy, Jesus people really don't know anything about it do they? If u have epilepsy u have epilepsy, if u don't u don't. People need to educate themselves o. It a but cuz they souns like idiots when they talk like that guy^ U dont just have one seizure and call it epilepsy.
