Tuesday 30 April 2013

Spoiler pics: Roy Cropper in a state in his pyjamas

I hate linking to the Daily Mail because a) it's odious and b) they once nicked our work and refused to give us credit. But as I can't find these pictures anywhere else online, I'm going to have to link to them.

The Mail have paparazzi pictures of Roy Cropper wandering around in a park in his pyjamas and dressing gown, his shopping bag in hand and apparantly confused and distressed.  Deirdre is walking Eccles in the park and comes to Roy's rescue.

I wonder if this all fits in with the storyline about Roy's dad that's coming up shortly. 

Poor Roy, though, eh?

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  1. Roy is such a boring character. Hope he leaves with Hayley as he barely does anything and isn't really a good actor.

  2. Sorry, Anon, I have to disagree. Roy has been greatly underused, and I'm glad to see him get a good story line. I'm just surprised to see it was Deirdre who found him and not Ella.

  3. I think Roy is great. What some perceive as boring I perceive as wise and sensible. And he has much more depth than a few characters I could mention. Gloria, for instance.

  4. OMG! he's wearing my dressing gown. I've got one exactly like that. I love david neilson, he's such a subtle actor. His facial expressions speak volumes. I hope this doesn't mean that he is getting altzeimers and going to leave with hayley.
