Monday 4 March 2013

Who is Corrie's best Mum? Vote now!

I hope we are all aware it is Mother's Day in the UK next Sunday, 10 March!

This got me thinking about the mums of Coronation Street. What a mixed bunch they are. In order to celebrate these truly gorgeous creatures I have decided to create a lovely poll so you can choose your favourite Corrie mum! 

I will be posting blogs on each of the contenders to help you make up your minds. Sadly, there will only be an electronic bouquet for the winner, but it should be a bit of fun nonetheless! We will announce the winner on Mothering Sunday!

Get voting!

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  1. You should've included an option for "none of the above" - I can't believe Anna Windass is ahead, she's a terrible mother.

  2. This poll just shows that Corrie mothers aren't the best. I voted for Audrey as give or take she's been there for Gail (talked some sense into her really!).

    Isn't it odd that those women who have no children have been the best 'mothers' if you like. Just look at Emily, Rita,Minnie Caldwell and Hayley.


  3. I love a good poll - the results are always surprising!! Llifon you're right - I wanted to include Rita really, but couldn't. She's been a brilliant "mother" to many over the years.

  4. Lousy choices! LOL! I chose Audrey though - she's the best out of that bunch.

    ~JB in Canada

  5. Mary Prankster4 March 2013 at 13:15

    What a list! What a sad state of affairs! What an example to viewers who faithfully follow thes women.You left off Fiz, Katy, Maria, Eileen and Sunita, not that that would improve things.
    Re Lifon's comment about the women with no children: they have all "mothered" at one time, but it's the total responsibility, 24 hours a day for about 20 years (plus a little less for about 40 more!), that is so demanding and exhausting, but also rewarding.


  6. I couldn't include every mother in Weatherfield so I went for the ones that interest me most - I know it's a horrendous cross section of mothers, but that's all part of the fun! ;)

  7. Mary Prankster4 March 2013 at 13:54

    What category would Leanne fit in? She's not Simon's biological mother, but she's attempted to remain a positive, supportive constant in his life, being the stability that offsets Peter's erratic behaviour. Whatever else she's messed up, she's tried to be there for Simon and she's succeeded, to the extent that he really loves her.

  8. As far as I can see Leanne has basically kidnapped Simon from Peter I see her as scoring points off Peter by controlling Peter's access to Simon rather than being a loving parent.


  9. I think Leanne might be in a poll all of her own!

  10. None of them. For my money Eileen is the best mother on the street. To have raised two boys single-handed is a feat in itself. Her acceptance of Todd's homosexuality. Her ability to let go of Jason when the latest trollop catches his fancy. All admirable.


  11. Eileen is indeed another good Corrie mother, but I decided to limit my poll to eight! I'd have been exhausted writing about more than that! :) You make good points though :)

  12. Totally agree with the anonymous above who said that Leanne is more interested in scoring points off Peter. Of course she is!
    Simon used to be so cute but these days he is a very rude child, with no manners - because he just copies Leanne!

    It's sad the writers had to give Leanne her own way in the end, even though she was DREADFUL during the custody battle. Peter started it off but I remember Peter breaking his heart when he eventually allowed Simon to go and live with Leanne and then she started threatening to move away with him and wouldn't let Peter see him. She's vile.

  13. None of the above, but I'd go with either Eileen or Fiz because Fiz is a pretty good mum so far.


  14. I'd rule Fiz out for her involvement with John Stape!

  15. I can't believe Anna is in the lead on this poll!! Seriously? The woman has suffocated FayE ever since she arrived. What kid arrives home from school and gets sent upstairs presto pronto to get into their jimjams??

    ~JB in Canada

  16. Hmm. Tracy uses Amy as a weapon to get at her whoever she's feuding with. Deirdre is Tracy's mother. In 30 years, Stella couldn't be bothered to travel across the city to contact her daughter. Gail meddles in her children's lives like a mother from hell. Michelle got all dewy eyed over her real son, completely forgot about him and then didn't notice the son who went to Glasgow was replaced by an imposter. I can't believe that any of them have a single vote. Who on earth would want any of them as a mother?


  17. Yes, I'm slightly puzzled by Anna's surge into the lead too if I'm honest!

  18. What about Maria? I would vote her over the others Her son is adorable and the only child not turning into an absolute brat (Simon, Faye, the Alahan twins etc)


  19. There was the whole Tony Gordon saga! And I'm sure Liam's brattishness is just around the corner!


  20. No I picked the characters I found the most interesting, given the subject. Just my opinion of course :)

  21. I think Anna Windass is clicking on her own name during filming breaks.


  22. haha! Now I think you might be onto something there!

  23. Am I seeing right...Audrey, my favourite, has pulled ahead of Anna...yippee!! Audrey must have found out about Anna clicking on her name during filming breaks and thought, 'I'll flamin fix that!'


  24. There does appear to have a change at the top! Very interesting!

  25. YAY! Audrey's in the lead!

    No way Anna can be the winner. Ugh!

    ~JB in Canada

  26. Does anyone know the name of the song playing in the rovers at the end of the show on Friday 22nd May 2020
