Sunday 3 March 2013

What next for Coronation Street's Julie Carp?

What on earth are the powers that be playing at with Julie Carp? I really don't like the changes they have made to this character of late, namely her steadfast support for that evil, nasty, vicious Kirsty Soames. I could write at length on what would lead Julie to be so stupid,  but as the love of her life is Brian "Derek Wilton" Packham, I'll just leave it at that.

A more interesting question, with any luck, is what direction the Coronation Street writers will take Julie in once all this Kirsty awfulness is done with. I pose this question for two reasons. First of all, we know that actress Katy Cavanagh is pregnant, so a period of maternity leave is obviously in the offing. And also, we now know that Peter Gunn will be leaving his role as Brian in the coming months. This will naturally leave the character of Julie at a crossroads. No, not the motel.

I actually really like the old pre-Kirsty Julie. I love her attitude to life, the support she gives her friends (normally!) and her amazing, individual sense of style. I think her character does bring a lot to Coronation Street when she's given the chance. I do feel that she is often lumbered with slightly daft, in the background storylines when we all know the actress is capable of much more.

I loved all the fall out surrounding the revelations with her mother and Eileen's dad, Colin. I also thought the story that saw her find out she could not have a baby incredibly touching and well played. However it did not seem to get the onscreen mileage it should have done. I can't help but think that if that story had featured Tina, Michelle or Stella it would have taken centre stage for weeks.

I also don't think we have seen enough of the developments in Julie and Brian's relationship. They may not be the pretty young things like Tommy and Tina, but I think they are characters that we, the viewers, could invest in. Sadly this is pointless now as Peter Gunn is going to be off soon. I can't help but see Brian and Julie as a wasted opportunity. They were very much the Mavis and Derek of the future as far as I could see.

Which brings me back to my original question. Where do we see Julie going in the future? As Brian is going to leave, will she depart with him only to return on her own at a later date? Or do you think the writers will be horrible and split them up on screen? 

Personally, I would like to see Julie's mum Paula return. Paula was brilliantly played by Sharon Duce - the kind of actress Corrie should be recruiting as far as I'm concerned. I would love to see them explore this mother/daughter relationship in greater detail. As they parted on less than friendly terms it could be very interesting!

As usual, I want to hear what you think! So get in touch.

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  1. The surrogacy storyline should have played out with Julie and Brian. It would have been much more realistic that a couple their age would go down that route, rather than Gary and Izzy who are barely kids themselves, had only been back on track for 5 minutes following his breakdown, have zero financial security, and had hardly explored every avenue available to them. Such a wasted opportunity. I could have imagined people rooting for Julie to have a child, whereas I certainly don't feel that Izzy and Gary particularly deserve it.

    Going forwards, I'm guessing Brian and Julie will leave together, then she'll return after Katy's maternity leave having broken up with Brian but being completely over it. No idea what they might do with her next..

  2. I go along with what elvis86 says. The only difference being that Brian and Julie leave together; perhaps he gets a headship elsewhere, and dies. Julie returns to the Street a widow and we never hear anything of Brian ever again.

  3. I always thought Julie and Lloyd would make a great pair. Both love retro, she with fashion and he with music. Both can be very funny as well as dramatic. Perhaps Mandy could make kindling for the Rover's fire and he and Brian-less Julie hook up.

  4. With Brian leaving, wonder if there would be too much of an age-gap to pair up a possibly returning Curly with Julie???

  5. Lloyd and Julie would make an interesting couple. But she certainly should leave the Street with Brian (shamed at her support of crazy Kirsty), finish her real life maternity leave and return to hook up with Lloyd.

  6. So far it seems that the new producer Stuart Blackburn for as much as he claims to love the Corrie that was is going to be even worse than Collinson with cast cuts and even more "unbelievable sensational" story lines.
    He obviously doesn't read the blogs and newsgroups otherwise he would know that he is taking the Street in the wrong direction.

  7. Frosty the Snowman4 March 2013 at 08:22

    Write Julie out as well, she has become more and more annoying and OTT lately. She and Brian leave for a posh school in Cheshire

  8. I hope she goes away. She's the epitome of "fairweather friend".

    ~JB in Canada

  9. Wonderful idea, Lloyd and Julie! Lloyd is wasted with Mandy and Jenna, two dullards.


  10. I have to disagree, I can't see Julie with Lloyd at all...I'm not sure Mandy and Lloyd are well suited either, but I do like Jenna.

  11. Graeme - to me Jenna has been ruined by her relationship with the 'why on earth is she still in Coronation St Sophie' and the whole debacle of being written off by her profession. Perhaps if she had been a love interest for Lloyd instead of his daughter and not had that 'more headbands than sense' Mandy as her mother, I would like her more.


  12. Oh I agree the budding relationship between Jenna and Sophie is no good at all! As I've said before she should be with someone who is more mature

  13. Can't see Julie and lloyd working, but if curly comes back I do think that the quirkiness of Julie would work with him. Maybe he will open the long awaited fruit and veg shop, employ Julie and fall in love with her. The older man has worked for Deirdre and ken so why not Julie and curly. I'd love to see curly back, hope it happens. Rosie
