Monday 4 March 2013

Vote for Corrie's best Mum - Deirdre & Tracy

Deirdre and Tracy unaware of what lies ahead

As you will hopefully have seen, earlier today I've  launched my first poll on the Coronation Street Blog. I hope you've all been voting! 

In order to help you make up your minds on your favourite Corrie mum, I'm going to post some blogs on the contenders this week, highlighting some of their strengths and weaknesses. 

I shall try to take an even handed approach (not easy).

So to our first two contenders: mother and daughter team, Deirdre and Tracy Barlow.

Deirdre's finest hour
Let's kick off with sexy specs herself, Deirdre Barlow. A long time resident of Coronation Street, I think it's fair to say Deirdre has learnt all of her mothering skills from her own late mother, the magnificent Blanche Hunt. Deirdre's private life has been somewhat tumultuous, first marrying Ray Langton, after Billy Walker mysteriously disappeared. 

With a little help from Ray, Deirdre produced the sweet, innocent Tracy Lynette, after which for some strange reason, Deirdre decided to abstain from further child bearing. After Ray left her for a life among the tulips, Deirdre hooked up with Ken Barlow and the rest, as they say, is history. Best not mention that time she slept with Dev though. Woops! So what are Deirdre's strengths and weaknesses as a mother?
Who can blame her?


Loyal to her daughter without reproach
Will defend her daughter to the hilt Is always there to look after her granddaughter

Will defend her daughter to the hilt
Loyal to her daughter without reproach
Is a soft touch when it comes to babysitting duties

Like mother, like daughter
Now, let's take a look at Deirdre's loving daughter, Tracy Barlow

Born to doting parents Deirdre and Ray Langton in 1977, Tracy was a quiet child, disappearing upstairs to play her tapes for years on end. She has also changed heads four times, probably as a reaction to her parents' sometimes baffling behaviour. Ken Barlow married Deirdre in 1981, adopting young Tracy several years later. 

Tracy's life has not been easy. She's taken drugs, lost a kidney, been married and divorced, had a daughter who doesn't speak and slept with Roy Cropper for a bet. She's also had a weird obsession with Steve McDonald since he was a 1990s sex symbol. 

So what are Tracy's strengths and weaknesses as a mother?

Happy Families?
Will stand up for herself at all costs
Is constructive when it comes to finding a father figure for her daughter
Believes in family

Is always in a scrap with whoever gets in her way
Will go with anyone who owns a bulging wallet
Has sponged off her parents for 30 years

So there we go - our first two contenders. Let me know what you think about Deirdre and Tracy Barlow by leaving a comment below. 

And don't forget to vote for your favourite Coronation Street Mum before the winner is revealed on Sunday 10 March. 

Tracy asks Gail if she can borrow her get out of jail free card
Next up will be Michelle Connor and Gail McIntyre! Won't that be fun!

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And you can follow me on Twitter @Edgeof31

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All original work on the Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License


  1. Worst examples of motherhood. Tossing aside their daughters and dropping their panties at the slightest provocation. Diedre raised a psychopath. Tracy is in the process of doing the same. Both should have their tubes tied by law.


  2. Haha! Oh dear me, you don't like them very much do you?!

  3. Love Deidre..can't stand Tracy but, where would Dreary be without her Tracyluv to driver her 'round the bend morning noon and night?

  4. Mavis Pendlebury4 March 2013 at 22:50

    Bringing up your child with their health threatened due to passive smoking is not the trait of a good mother.

    I think the best mother so far has been Judy Mallett - but it didn't last long!

  5. Ha ha. I haven't stopped laughing at the idea of either of those two winning be4st mother. It's more likely that Sean would win Macho Man of the Decade.


  6. Haha anonymous! More like Macho Man of the Century!!

  7. Ha.Tracy was evil looking even as a young child!
