Friday 1 March 2013

The runners-up landladies of the Rovers Return

Yesterday, Graeme wrote a marvellous post about Rovers Return landladies, comparing the lackluster St. Ella to the classic landladies, Annie Walker and Bet Lynch.  They certainly were the two most iconic women to have their names over the door.

But there have been others, and one of them is probably my favourite of all of the post-Bet landladies. You can read about them here. Aside from Bet and Annie, who was your favourite landlady?

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  1. Thanks Tvor! I loved your blog - Shelley is one of my favourites, I loved how she emerged from all that stuff with Charlie.

    Also, I'd love it if Lillian Spencer made another appearance, she really was the next generation Annie Walker!

  2. I always thought Sally would make a good landlady. She can be such a snob but has a huge heart and a good shoulder to cry on.

  3. As a viewer who didn't experience the awesomeness of Annie or Bet, Liz McDonald would have to be my favourite. However ditto what anon said, Sally would make a good landlady. I had a dream at one point that Kevin and Sally would take over the pub but that will probably never happen now.

  4. My favourite was the time of Bet and Alec. Loved Alec in the pub, lots of fun then. St Ella really isn't working for me but I'd like to see Eva working behind the bar, getting to like her very much.

  5. Alec and Bet for me. They were a great double act. I agree Sally would be good in the Rovers but she would need a side kick whom she could boss about. Kirk's at a loose end, and could be good for comedy. No humour in the Rovers, at the moment.

  6. I loved the teams of Annie, Bet, Betty & fred. I also liked steve, Becky and liz. I loved Shelly and Bev together

  7. Bet will never be beaten, however I liked Eve Sykes before her multiple nuptials let her down!- Micky

  8. Mavis Pendlebury2 March 2013 at 00:23

    1. Lilian Spencer

    2. Liz MacDonald
