Tuesday 5 March 2013

Spoilers for next week's Coronation Street, Mar 11 - 15

Without any piffle, here's the storyline for the week ahead on Coronation Street, all wrapped up nicely in 50 words or less.

Week of Monday 11 - Friday 15 March

Chesney finds out about Katy and Ryan, Sally and Gail fall out, Dev and Sunita get close, Karl causes chaos in Rovers cellar and Peter, Karl, Rob, Tommy, Jason and Dr Carter sign up for The Full Monty.

The full weekly preview, with loads of pictures is right here on Corrie.net

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  1. Oh my goodness what a ridiculous "fight" photo of Gary! Very amusing.

    I'm waiting with baited breath to see the back of the Alahans. Please, oh please? Nice opportunity for someone on the Street to take over their business and house.

    Not suprised that there's conflict between Sally and Gail - they are both the ultimate know-it-alls and control freaks. I just hope it doesn't cost them their friendship and they both could use a good friend who understands them.

  2. Frosty the Snowman5 March 2013 at 07:47

    We are all hoping for the back of the Alahans Anonymous but sadly its pretty obvious we are being set up to believe there will be a 'happy reunion' of this stale couple and be subjected to Dev's terrible acting of being the grieving partner when she is killed off in the Rovers fire. As for the Katie and Ryan nonsense, its not even worth a mention.

  3. WAIT: Tommy, Jason and Dr Carter are joining Paul in The Full Monty?

    *settles in*

  4. oooh, this Full Monty malarkey could be quite an event! 'Utch up, Scott!

  5. Budge up, Scott, make room for me on the sofa :)

  6. Some sad sacks need to get out more.

  7. I can imagine that Gail would be the worst house-guest.. who rearranges someone else's cupboards?

  8. This Katy and Ryan thing is pathetic. They're both crap actors who should be axed.

  9. Yes but they are both so decorative and that seems to be the #1 criteria on this soap, now. :(

  10. I actually ffwd through all their scenes Monday..only watched Kirsty and her mom..saved me a lot of agro. I hope this ends soon. Another pathetic attempt at by the writers who, for some reason, are hell bent on turning some nice young lady into a total hosebag right out of the blue..no warning and she's snogging the face of another bloke. Really? Is this the best the team can come up with for Katy? If so, they should be sacked. A bunch of 5th graders could think up better storylines.

  11. Katy is a very pretty young girl who got pregnant far too young and though Chesney is a lovely lad what future do they have together? They don't have two nickles to rub together. Why couldn't the writers have either Chesney or Katy go to school and get some qualifications - but no we have to have another affair!

  12. Next, Katy and Ryan will find out they are actually brother and sister! After all, he's not really Michelle's kid. Sure, Ryan had other folk when that switched at birth storyline was on but that's never stopped the PTB from changing history to suit a current storyline. It'll probably come out that Katy was actually adopted by Owen et al because they didn't want to risk giving birth after Izzy.

  13. If Katy was adopted, that might explain Owen's OTT behaviour concerning FayE. Nothing else on earth would...

  14. Bring back Eddie for the Full Monty - after all he was in the original film :)
