Friday 8 March 2013

Spoiler: Paul and Eileen split up

It should be no surprise to anyone that Eileen's jealousy ends up pushing Paul away. Even if we didn't already know that Tony Hirsh was leaving the show, it was inevitable. There are paparazzi photos today in the Daily Mail showing filming at a local train station, with Eileen on the outside and Paul on the train leaving.

We've just seen the beginning of this storyline this week with Eileen's face in a knot over the discovery that Paul's workmate who is organizing the Full Monty charity do is a pretty woman called Toni. She and Julie were discovered having snuck into the locker room trying to suss out this Toni and Paul was not best pleased.

In tonight's episode, Eileen confesses to Paul about her insecurities and it has the desired effect on Paul who's anger may vanish but whose doubts are still lingering. He is set to propose to Eileen but isn't sure if he can  handle her suspicions.

I'm not very surprised at this turn of events for two reasons. The first is that we have already seen evidence of Eileen's insecurities where men are concerned. She seems to have an inherent distrust that anyone could truly love her. Even when she doesn't push them away, they seem to stray and leave her. The other reason I'm not surprised is that since Paul and Eileen got together, we've seen next to nothing of their relationship. The powers that be have done nothing with them until now and that never bodes well.  I'm not surprised he's leaving but I probably won't miss him much either due to this.  A new producer is sweeping out the dead wood and he sees Paul as a non-starter. Eileen is a favourite and has more ties to the community so she gets to stay.

I liked Paul, though was not fond of he and Eileen's affair while Lesley was alive. I thought he was a nice bloke who was caught in a difficult position but would have preferred he and Eileen to keep it to a friendship until after Lesley had died but that's just my own opinion.

Photo copyright MCPIX and the Daily Mail

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  1. So they split up rather than Paul dies a hero in the Rovers fire? Both may be true, I suppose. I didn't care for the relationship one bit and it ruined Eileen's character. She was supposed to come across as a caring woman with conflicting emotions in a complex situation, and the actors said people in this real-life situation supported them. But it failed to work on-screen and Eileen ended up appearing selfish. I can't understand why the writers let them smooch within a few feet of Lesley. Unbelievably insensitive. And say what you like about opposites attract, Paul and Eileen just didn't look right together. Eileen needs a burly bloke for the couple to look good together. The relationship wrecked the Alzheimer's sl, wasted whatever Tony Hirst's talents may be, and did no favours for Sue Cleaver.

  2. I agree Humpty, I felt it did no service to Eileen's character, the Lesley storyline. Maybe if Curly Watts comes back, he and Eileen might suit. It's hard to imagine that Curly would be around the same age isn't it! And he's tall!

  3. How could I miss the fact that the actor playing Paul was leaving the show - where was that article? If I had seen it I would be one happy person. The actress portraying Leslie saved the Alzheimer story which was almost completely ruined by the incessant snogging by Paul and Eileen within two feet of her. Agree they are not suited, no onscreen chemistry at all. The perfect man for Eileen was Dennis (not Rita's Dennis).

  4. Oh yes! I hadn't thought of Eileen and Curly, that would be a good match. I was sorry too when Dennis went, they were good together. I don't think they do enough with Eileen,one of the better actors.

  5. Eileen can leave n'all. I cannot stand her character anymore. She is not funny and is way too crass IMO. I agree..the storyline with her snogging Paul within a few feet of his demented wife was pure trash. They were not believable as a couple just because they looked totally uncomfortable doing their love scenes together. Why a woman cannot have a life of her own without a man at the centre of it on this soap is beyond me.

  6. Just putting it out there- but is this pic a deliberate red herring???? Let's assume he DOES die in the fire...but Corrie bosses want to confuse us.....

  7. I doubt they'd go to the trouble of filming on location if they were just trying to fool us though.

  8. Frosty the Snowman9 March 2013 at 07:42

    Echo the sentiments here and say that Paul and Eileen has no on screen chemistry, underlined by the awful clunking 'marraige proposal' scenes. Oh and please will somebody buy Eileen a comb!
