Wednesday 20 March 2013

Sneak preview of tonight's Corrie - Rovers explodes!

Coronation Street, Wednesday 20th March 2013

THE ROVERS FIRE CLAIMS ITS FIRST CASUALTY. As the Rovers burns, onlookers are shocked to see Karl’s face at the window with Stella. Jason grabs the ladders from the builder’s yard but it’s Paul and Toni who insist on entering the burning pub. The fire brigade arrive and find Sunita but as they pull her out unconscious a massive explosion rocks the street. Have Paul and Toni got Stella and Karl out in time?
GAIL’S PASSED FROM PILLAR TO POST. Having heard about Gail’s housing predicament Kylie asks her to move back to No.8, swearing she loves David and will never cheat on him again. Will Gail agree?
Elsewhere Tina spots Kirsty watching the fire from the window of No.9.

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