Sunday 10 March 2013

Shobna Gulati reveals why she had to quit Coronation Street

There's a good, long interview with Shobna Gulati, who plays Sunita Alahan on Coronation Street, in today's Sun in which she reveals the real reasons she's leaving the soap.

It's a sad read, really. Shobna says she's been coping with depression, anxiety attacks after racist abuse on twitter and by being that broke she couldn't pay her household bills.

She says that killing off Sunita is the best thing that could happen and is a huge weight lifted from her shoulders.
Having filmed her final scenes, Shobna said: “I now feel free.” and “When I handed in my resignation I knew it was the right thing. I hope now I won’t feel like I’m living in a goldfish bowl and the stress in my life will be reduced. here are a lot of things about the Street I loved, but there are many things I won’t miss. The pressure got too much. I’m pleased just to be Shobna again.”

Read the full interview here

See also: Shobna Gulati to join ITV's Loose Women

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