Thursday 7 March 2013

Corrie's Katy and Ryan: Do you care?

No I don't either. The thing that shocks me most is that Prima Doner is yet to be shut down by the Weatherfield branch of Environmental Health. All that snogging and sweaty angst can't be doing much for the flavour of Dev's kebabs.

Now this is just my opinion but all this is completely unnecessary and smacks of a quiet desperation from within the Coronation Street writing team. How many "illicit" affairs have we the viewer had to suffer through over the past few months? 

What is particularly unappealing about this most recent coupling is that both participants are so poorly drawn, so beige and uninteresting that I don't come down on either side. Which I guess is what the powers that be would hope with these stories - that the viewers invest in them and take sides. Not something I'll be doing this time.

The main problem for me is that neither Katy or Ryan are strong enough characters to carry a storyline on their own. We haven't been given the opportunity to invest in them at all, both have been thrown in at the deep end. Ryan, as the Street's latest bad boy hunk, launched amid much publicity and silly photo shoots. And Katy, dropped in as the latest youngster forced to grow up fast. To be fair, it's no wonder she is craving a little excitement, but perhaps she should have realised that before she settled down.

From what we've seen it doesn't look like this story will go on for that much longer. The highlight for me looks to be when Gary Windass gives Ryan a good slap. Personally, I don't have any time for either character. Katy is saved by her involvement with Izzy and Chesney. As for Ryan, I can't see anything saving him.

What do you think of this latest Corrie affair plot? Are you enjoying it or can you not wait for it to be over? Do you even care?

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  1. Send them both would notice or care:(

  2. Their scenes are just wallpaper to me.

  3. I completely agree.

    I'm not bothered. None of them are strong characters.

  4. No, I don't care a jot and this reminds me I really do need to write a blog post called "Am I getting too old to enjoy Coronation Street?"


  5. Yes I know what you mean! I don't like this icky Hollyoaks factor! They need to remember they are in WEATHERFIELD! :)

  6. The writers are trying to pinch viewers from Hollyoaks. That seems to be the only explanation for this silly storyline. It's true that the Sophie/Sian sl was very popular with young fans so maybe this is, too. Is it attracting younger viewers?

    As you say, Graeme, neither Katy nor Ryan are strong enough to carry this off. Katy was fine in a supporting role, and Ryan is just pointless. We've got the worst possible combination here: irrelevant storyline and rubbish acting.

  7. I like them both and the story makes sense to me for where each character is their lives.

    They do need some young people and stories, it can't all be non stop oldies, eventually they will leave and the show has to be able to going.

  8. Bleh. I do like Chesney and i didn't mind Katy but i can't stand Ryan. It might have made more sense if they'd led up to it in more than just a couple of episodes. Show Katy getting dissatisfied, wondering if she should go back to school or maybe getting a job. Don't fast track it, it would have at least made more sense then.


  9. That's another interesting point you raise there Tvor - it does feel more and more like a Corrie treadmill, everything seems to either move incredibly quickly or drag on forever!!

  10. i agree nora,been thinking the same thing lately .but we are NOT going to let that happen are we ?

  11. The thing with Katy is she nagged and nagged at Chesney that she wanted a baby and now she has one. Her former school mates show up and she feels trapped and all of a sudden she wants to be a carefree teenager again.
    Time to grow up you got a baby not a doll you can put in a box when you get tired of playing with it and having a back alley fling with a piece of wood isn't the way to grow up.

  12. I like Ryan and Katy and I don't mind Chesney but I'm not interested in them.

    The storyline is also too "Hollyoaks" for my liking. I hope Stuart Blackburn has some different ideas.

    My favourite characters on Corrie are Carla, Peter, Sylvia, Roy and Hayley. These are the characters that I'm interested in, but they all seem to have been pushed into the background.

  13. Right on the mark. We are less and less invested in these characters. But I do have to thank the writers and producers for that. It is making breaking this Corrie habit so much easier. Life is much too short and there are so many more worthwhile things to do than devote my time and energy on a sloppy, third-rate soap. I used to like Sunita, Tyrone,Hayley, Rita, and Emily. Two of those are on their way out. One is nearing the end of his ordeal and the other two have next to zero screen time. Thanks PC.

  14. I don't think it's the youth of these characters that we object to. It's that neither are very interesting, especially Ryan.

    The Corrie writers, as Graeme N said, are either speeding up stories too much (Ryan's 5 minute coke addiction), or taking much too long

    One story I'm interested in is the Maria/Marcus gay to straight plot. In my humble opinion, this story is much more exciting and dramatic than another illicit teen romance, yet it's getting very short shrift lately from the Corrie PTB.

  15. The Ryan is one of the worst actors on the show. Thank goodness for PVRs 'cause I just fast forward through those scenes. Boring.

  16. I agree with TVOR, I think to make this a credible story there should have been some indications of Katie's dissatisfaction. I don't know what it is about the Kebab shop, (or what kind of hormones are in the said kebabs); as soon as someone goes to work there Ryan is all over them.

  17. Couldnt give a monkeys love, these two are an example of the new trend of hiring actors for their looks rather than their actual acting ability or screen presence. Tina comes into that category too I am afraid.


  18. I agree with you David, although in Tina's defence, she can carry a story I think, unlike these two.

  19. We definitely should have seen how unhappy Katy supposedly is BEFORE this storyline began.

    Her friends just appeared out of nowhere and suddenly, Katy's finding her life tough so having an affair with Ryan - who we haven't seen her interact with before - is the answer.

    There has been no build up whatsoever, so it's hardly surprising that no one is really interested.


  20. Oh I forgot to mention her ridiculous new found friends! Where have they all been hiding?!

  21. Um, NO!

    I do care that not a single kid who grew up on the street has succeeded at higher education (with possible exceptions for Jason, David and Tyrone who apprenticed to learn a trade). Sophie, Chesney and Katy were all good students who dropped out and now face very limited futures. Ryan went onto university but failed. I agree with Kathy Brett, this was yet another romance dropped in our lap out of nowhere. It should have been developed. If I want to watch Short Attention Span Theater, I'll turn to YouTube.

    It wouldn't be so horrible for one of those kids to struggle with studies instead of boredom. Maybe, with a long term view, one of them could be a doctor or nurse or teacher or lawyer one day.

  22. Yawn. I do care about Chesney though.


  23. Yes I agree Abby, this point has been raised before. What do the powers that be have against Corrie characters receiving a proper education and bettering themselves?! All very strange!

  24. No. Ryan is a very underdeveloped character who was obviously brought in to take his shirt off now and again. We've had too many of those and they're just cardboard. Get rid.

  25. The real reason all of the Corrie youth drop out of school is Ken Barlow. It is in his contract that he be the only one with a degree on the street.
    A Corrie Insider.

  26. Only that they're ruining Chesney.

  27. Graeme, I agree with you wholeheardly can't one kid on the street get a proper education and a decent job. I don't think either Chesney or Katie finished secondary school what future do they have? Ryan flunked out of University, Sophie went to school for a while but was so obsessed with Sian she couldn't concentrate. Very sad.

  28. This must be a record for comments. I too don't give a toss about these two and haven't watched one scene..ffwding right throught the whole thing,which is pretty sad. The writers, once again, shove a storyline together and fling in into our faces without any build-up at all? What's the reason for Katy to suddenly, do a 180 and start snogging a bloke she barely knows? Really shoddy writing..if this is what we have to look forward to I'm taking a pass.


  29. People do appear to have strong feelings on this particular story (and those like it!) Keep the comments coming, and it's good to know I'm not in the minority here!

  30. You're spot on with how beige they are, but for me, a lot of it also has to do with Sol Heras's TERRIBLE acting. Georgia May Foote is good at playing a naive-but-thinks-she's-a-woman Katy, yet Sol Heras totally floundered what could have been a heartfelt storyline about drug abuse. All he did was whine "Mum!" at Kym Marsh in that same screech he uses for any semi-emergency, and we can expect a lot of that as he whines "Katy" in the coming weeks.

    Besides desperation, I think the writers are being completely lazy in not showing consistency with characters. Not one month ago, Katy was criticizing Fiz for stepping out with an engaged Tyrone, but she now feels free to betray the hardworking father of her kid. I understand that soap characters have contradictive tendencies (see: Gail coming down on Kylie) for juicy story lines, but Jesus, at least give it a year so we can forget what happened just weeks ago!

  31. Booooooooring story line.Perhaps Ryan could get a job at Steetcars and, in true Corrie psychocabbie style, he could kidnap the writers and drive off never to be seen again!

  32. Both Ryan & Katie can move to London or somewhere. Just find their story line annoying
