Friday 1 March 2013

Coronation Street rehashes dopey drugs storyline

You know when you read an upcoming storyline for Corrie that makes your heart sink? That's just what's happened to me when I read in the Daily Star that Coronation Street are planning to get the soap OAPS doped up on hash in an "hilarious new storyline".

The Star says we'll see Sylvia and Dennis get stoned after munching on space cakes laced with cannabis. Sylvia will start her own "drug gang" made up of friends who want to use cannabis to ease the aches and pains of old age.  But Sylvia's rumbled when son Roy accidentally sells the space cakes to Norris and Rita.

Hang on. Hang on. Haven't we been here before?  Yes, of course we bleeding well have.  I know some Corrie fans won't remember or be too young to recall, but Corrie has done the same sort of storyline before.  Rita, Emily and Norris all got stoned in Roy's Rolls after tucking into space cakes cooked up by Vera after she took a liking to hippy Maz O’Louglin’'s hash cakes down on the allotment.

A show insider quotes to the Star about this new storyline: “If this doesn’t have viewers in stitches, then I don't know what will."  
I'm laughing inside already, I really am.  Would have been good to have seen Gail getting high, with Eileen perhaps. The two of them coming out with some home truths and finally admitting they actually like, nay, love each other.

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  1. My reaction to that news - no, it's not news is it? News is supposed to be new - was exactly the same as yours.

    I think we must have a bunch of very young storyliners who went straight there from school, and haven't seen any episodes further back than 2006.

    This storyline wasn't funny last time, surely someone there has been there long enough to tell them?

  2. My sides are splitting as I read this:(

  3. This adds to my theory that the writers get together for half an hour every month and pull a storyline idea out of a hat ("serial killer on the street", "two people who have never so much as looked at each other suddenly have an affair", "someone suddenly decides they're gay") and then go down the pub to get plastered all day.

    There's no other explanation for the miserable state of the programme nowadays.

  4. Frosty the Snowman1 March 2013 at 09:27

    So hilarious - Frosty has fallen off his chair - NOT. What is it with the Corrie "humour" these days? Its what it once was famous for and set it apart from the other soaps/docudramas. Now we have inane lost "tor-toys", dumping samonella filled turkeys into the canal and an old witch that is trying to get money that she doesnt deserve out of her dead fiance. Is the new producer in the chair yet or is this still the left overs from Collinson?

  5. There used to be a clip of the cannabis scenes on youtube but it's disappeared :( I loved those scenes actually. Really funny. I wonder what will happen this time?

  6. Sounds like someone said 'What shall we do with the oldies?' Oh yes, let's make them the light relief in the midst of the *really* important stuff. How patronising! There are light-hearted stories around if the writers care to look. How about setting up a group for senior surfers? Syliva discovers online gambling; Emily has an internet date; Norris becomes obsessed with his family history. Not side-splitting material, but gentle comedy.2456 hisILS

  7. Some people talk as if there is always a serial killer on the Street. We have only had a few. I dont think Street residents "have an affair" as soon as they look at each other. I think some people invent flaws in the show. Corrie has had to change to survive and it is not great under Collinson but has a balance. Its easy to put on the rose tinted specs when you look at the older days of Corrie and say "They were the days". They were in some ways and I love Corrie history but the past can be seen through rose tinted specs. And some weddings in the 1960s and 1970s never went to plan, some of them. Not just a recent thing.

  8. Somewhere in here, there is the germ of an interesting story. The fact is that upstanding citizens who are pillars of respectability do take cannabis for pain relief andd its not something that I have seen dramatised before.

    Maybe Sylvia could hear about cannabis from a friend and try talking to some younger members of the street, who are affronted that she thinks they are druggies. She could eventually meet some shady drug dealer who patronises her and then she gives him a piece of her mind about customer service.

    However, the current writers seem incapable of making any idea into an interesting story. This just looks like Emily Bishop takes cannabis. Haha. How not funny.

  9. Nathan Johnson1 March 2013 at 23:14

    It doesn't sound too bad, they did it years ago with Emily and Vera and it was quite funny. As long as they don't beat it like a dead horse it should be alright. Must be better than the current crap with Katy and Ryan's stupid fling, the Windasses and Faye's dad, etc. And the oldies involved the better in my book. But I guess we should just wait till its broadcast.
