Sunday 6 March 2016

A homage to Corrie mothers

Happy Mother's Day everyone and let's raise a glass to all those Corrie mothers over the years. They've not been the best but what do you expect when they live on Coronation Street!

First row: Elsie Tanner and son Dennis; Annie Walker and son Billy; Ida Barlow and sons David and Ken; Hilda Ogden and daughter Irma

Second row: Blanche Hunt and daughter Deirdre; Deirdre Barlow and daughter Tracy; Ivy Tilsley and son Brian; Audrey Roberts and daughter Gail

Third row: Gail Tilsley and son Nick and daughter Sarah Lou; Sally Webster and daughters Rosie and Sophie; Gail Platt and son David; Eileen Grimshaw and sons Jason and Todd

Fourth row: Liz McDonald and sons Steve and Andy; Vera Duckworth and son Terry; Maud Grimes and daughter Maureen; Anna Windass and son Gary

Who's been your favourite mum and son/daughter relationship?

For me, Audrey and Gail and Blanche and Deirdre are right at the top!
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  1. I love it! Great pictures! Doesn't young Dennis look handsome!

  2. Aw, Ida Barlow. Bless.

  3. Thank you, a fabulous collage!

  4. I miss Dennis :-(

  5. Ena was a good mum and Betty was a very good one!

    It's interesting how much of an institution the single mum has become on Coronation Street. Didn't Anne Kirkbride say that she almost got axed when the actor who played Ray Langton wanted to leave? They couldn't imagine writing her as a single mum, but since then it's become a central theme - Audrey, Gail, Sarah Lou, and so on.

    On a different subject, I wish Alma had become a mother - oh and Carla too.
    It would have been interesting for the writers to include something about Carla grieving for her lost child, juxtaposed with Faye anxious about her soon-to-be-born one.


  6. What about Betty who did the right thing in her day by giving her only child, born out of wedlock, to her childless sister? She had a very special relationship with nephew/son. It was a selfless act that only a mother who loves and wants the very best for her child would do.

  7. LOVE those pics...thanks SO much for sharing with us!!

    My fav. mom/daughter duo would have to be Blanche and Deidre..hands down...

  8. Ivy who was fierce as Gail when it came to her children and grandchildren. Clairemarried to Ashley and Judy Mallet who was the mother of the beautiful twins.

  9. And then I guess Michelle, Maria, and Fiz... whatevs

  10. I would like to add Rita who was a foster mother to Jenny and still his her surrogate mother as I think being a foster parent to troubled children or children in need is an important as a biological mother.

  11. My favourite Mom is Liz and her Steve and Andy....wish Andy (and Jim) would come back to the cobbles....Love that McDonald family!

  12. Why no mention of Stella Price? Oh, yeah...never mind.

  13. Dennis Tanner / Philip Lowrie barely looks different nowadays. I loved it when he came back and his relationship with Rita was initially very moving. Such a pity they decided to turn him into a villain, but PL has done a lot of theatre work, so I suppose he didn't want to stay in Corrie. As for mothers, one of the worst was the scheming, gold digging Gloria, but maybe Sue Johnston enjoyed being a baddie for a change?

  14. I agree with Anon about Rita. As well as her foster children there are others who she has "mothered" - Kevin and Sally, and Tina spring to mind. Also Hayley (and Roy of course) were surrogate parents to Becky in her earlier, wild times.

  15. I was so sad when Dennis left after his return and marriage to Rita! I always hoped that he and Rita would some how end up in Number 11, as it was for he and his family when the programme began. It would have been wonderful to have Dennis in his original street home along with his flame haired wife Rita (think of Elsie Tanner!). We could have had some wonderful memory scenes from the past there...X
