Friday 22 February 2013

Waterloo Road star to join Corrie

This just in from ITV, Waterloo Road actor, Katie McGlynn is joining Coronation Street later this year.

She's going to be playing Beth's niece, Sinead Tinker who will be involved with Chesney and Katy's upcoming storyline. We already know that Katy is developing a crush on Ryan. Sounds like Sinead will be soothing his broken heart.

I can't see Chesney being unfaithful but then, it's a soap and these things happen. I can, however, see them becoming good friends with this little madam chasing Chesney and causing trouble, especially if she's anything like her sparky Auntie Beth.

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  1. like the sound of this she is good on waterloo road and will be a great new addition to the younger cast. I am glad they are adding to the Tinker clan as well - hopefully some stories with Craig to come will be good to have a cousin to interact with

  2. Great piece of casting! She was brilliant on Waterloo Road when I watched it (before the stupid Scotland move) and she kinda looks like the actress who plays Beth (the name escapes me). Don't like the sound of the storyline though - writers, please keep Ches and Katie together!!!

  3. sounds good, her and Craig and the rat together will be funny to watch I think.

  4. Oh great, just when I thought we were about to get her off our TV screens, she's back! Scout in Waterloo Road has been an abysmal character for a long time now, hopefully Sinead is the polar opposite.

  5. Frosty the Snowman23 February 2013 at 11:48

    Not to have an affair with Chesney please! All this bed hopping is making Frosty quite giddy. Fine bringing in new characters but the old stale ones have to Go! The cast list seems to have trebled lately.

  6. Oh no! So this means Katy will become another bedhopper then after splitting from ches? :( not another affair!
