Sunday 20 January 2013

Interviews with the Coronation Street extras - Toni West

If you've ever wondered what it's like to be an extra on Coronation Street, then wonder no more.

Canadian Coronation Street fan Christine Warren who runs the Coronation Street Fun Pages, has secured interviews with some of the extras on Corrie and has kindly given us permission here on the Coronation Street Blog to feature and link to each one when they are uploaded to her site.

This week it's Toni West who works on Corrie as an extra.

Check out Toni's interview here

See also: Interview with Corrie extra Eve Coulson
See also:  Interview with Corrie extra Chris Canavan
See also: Interview with Corrie extra Wendy Saxon
See also: Interviews with Corrie extras husband and wife team Joel and Maureen
See also: Interview with Corrie extra Darran Burr
See also: Interview with Corrie extra Pete Reidy
See also: Interview with Corrie extra Christine Quigley

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