Tuesday 15 January 2013

Coronation Street comes to America, with Hulu

Hulu, an American video on demand site has announced that Coronation Street is now available to watch on their service.

American pace will be two weeks behind the current episodes. This will be welcome news to fans in the US who have been stuck without a proper way to watch Corrie.

Also worth noting is that ITV have recently begun counting Coronation Street episodes in seasons, which may have been done to make the episode count (currently Ep. 8040) less threatening.

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  1. Jumping up and down and screaming!!!!

  2. would love this if they did it for Australia too.

  3. Just had a quick look at it, talk about ad central.

    I think I'll stick to you tube for as long as the nice few keep putting it on there. No ads and up to date.

  4. Full episodes of corrie are available on you tube and are uploaded within hours of uk broadcast
