Friday 28 December 2012

Spot the Corrie prop - December 28th 2012

Congratulations to all of you who correctly spotted that last week's Christmas wreath sits on the back of Gail Potter/Tilsley/Tilsley/Hillman/McIntyre's inside front door. I suspect she's probably been rehanging it a few times in the past week as that door's been slammed so many times it must be nearly off it hinges.

Another festive prop this week, just tell us where on Coronation Street you'd find this tatty tinsel.

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  1. Gotta be the facktry.

  2. Definitely the factory, look at the orange stairs.

  3. By the way, can anyone tell me what those large metal poles next to the machines are for (other than holders for tacky tinsel!)? Surely they're not spindles for holding those large bobbins of thread? They look too large for that.
