Friday 7 December 2012

Sneak preview of tonight's double Corrie - Friday 7 December

Coronation Street,  Friday 7th December at 7.30pm

KYLIE’S LIE WEIGHS HEAVY. David’s not happy with Kylie for going out on the lash last night. Feeling guilty Kylie secretly swigs down another contraceptive pill. But when Gail accidentally stumbles across Kylie’s pills after knocking over her handbag, Kylie’s forced to come clean. As she explains she doesn’t want a baby at the moment and wants to focus on her job Gail’s sympathetic but advises her to tell David the truth straight away. Will Kylie be able to bring herself to break David’s heart?
TOMMY AND TINA ARE AT BREAKING POINT. With Tina having made her decision about whether to continue with the pregnancy she now has to face both Tommy and Izzy’s reaction. As emotions boil over Tommy and Gary cause a stir by rowing in the street. Kevin and Izzy are forced to intervene to stop them coming to blows but as the gossips speculate about his relationship will Tommy snap and reveal all?
NICK URGES LEANNE TO GO FOR A VEGAS WEDDING. Leanne informs Simon that Peter won’t be coming back for Christmas. Simon takes the news badly, upset that Peter will miss his nativity. In a bid to cheer him up Nick proposes a holiday to Disneyworld. But Leanne’s amusement turns to shock when Nick suggests they also visit Las Vegas and remarry!
Elsewhere Steve’s amused that Dennis is keeping his job a secret but agrees not to tell anyone. However when he stops Steve’s car at his crossing he can’t resist a dig. In revenge, Dennis keeps Steve waiting. Anger rising, will Steve retaliate? Gail’s thrilled when Lewis invites her out for dinner to say thankyou.

Friday 7th December at 8.30pm

DAVID FINDS AN UNLIKELY ALLY. David’s reeling from Kylie’s confession. She tries to explain she wants to make something of herself before having more kids but David takes it as a personal insult that she doesn’t want his child and warns her he may not wait forever. After storming out David calls at Tina’s flat to apologise for telling Tommy about her abortion. Over a few cans he pours his heart out about his rift with Kylie and they commiserate with each other. Tina explains to David about the financial incentive behind the surrogacy but insists she’s going through with it because she genuinely wants to help Izzy and Gary. As Kylie waits up for David will he return home to his wife or make her sweat?
WILL TINA ADMIT THE TRUTH? Gary’s furious with Tommy and has to be calmed by an anxious Izzy. As Tina denies cheating on Tommy, everyone’s confused. Gossip rife, will Tina reveal the truth about her pregnancy?
WILL LEANNE AGREE TO TAKE THE PLUNGE? After talking it over with Stella, Leanne tells Nick she’s made a decision about his proposal to marry in Vegas. Is the wedding on?
Elsewhere Malcolm turns up at the Rovers with a police officer in tow. Malcolm asks Dennis to identify Steve McDonald. Aware of his friends watching, Dennis tries to fob them off but Norris points out Steve to the officer. As Steve is confronted will he out Dennis as a lollipop man?

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  1. What the heck is the big deal about telling folk on the Street that Tina is acting as a surrogate for Gary and Izzy? Folk know that Gary and Izzy really wanted a baby and no one needs to know there's a financial agreement behind the scenes!

    David is a total knob. Threatening to leave Kylie if she doesn't have a baby RIGHT NOW with him, to raise in his mummy's house, as though he's such a hot commodity? Please. Idiot.

  2. I am sick to the back teeth of David bleating on about having another baby immediately if not sooner. His "if you don't want a baby with me right now you can't really love me" attitude is infantile to say the least. Give the girl a break, she's just finding she's good at something and wants to make a go of it for a while....did you stop to think the extra money she's earning might be able to get you out from under your mother's apron and into your own place like a responsible adult....gormless to say the least!!!

    And would I love to slap that guy. Has he got no conscience?? He's acting like a spoilt brat. Making a decision to abort your own child is one thing, (not saying it's right or wrong), but telling someone they have to abort someone else's child is inconceivable. Especially after all the time, effort, heartbreak & money that's gone into getting this far with it. Where the hell does he get off demanding that. And i love the way he conveniently forgets it's his fault they're in this mess to start with. Personally I would have probably gone with Rita's option, but once it's done it's done. He's not concerned about her health, he was this pissed off about it before she started feeling unwell, and seriously, she's probably no more unwell than a lot of people get during pregnancy. Would he be demanding this if was their own child?? As much as Gary's brassed me off with his incessant, "our baby" talk, I hope he thumps Tommy. I think Tina's well rid!!

  3. Frosty the Snowman7 December 2012 at 08:14

    Why is Rita even letting Tommeh move in with her? he hardly knows him apart from being Teenar's sulky loser boyfriend. Just Do One Tommeh we are fed up with ya.

  4. Didn't David sexually assault Tina? Wasn't she telling Rita that it was attempted rape? Now she's sharing a few cans alone with him in her flat and confiding "secrets" to him, just like any sensible woman would to a man who she thought tried to rape her and attempt to murder her boyfriend.

    In a couple of years, I guess Fiz and Kirsty will be in a lesbian relationship and with child, having been both been impregnated by Tyronne.


    There, that feels better.

  6. "As much as Gary's brassed me off with his incessant, "our baby" talk, I hope he thumps Tommy."

    - Only after Tommy gives Gary a black-eye to end all black-eyes (to go with giving him a baby as well).

    Has Tina completely and utterly forgotten that Gary was criminally instrumental in assisting the initial situation that led her father down a path that ultimately led to his untimely death?

    Oh wait, now I see her mad, mad, plan - revenge!

    She's going to insist on giving birth in the lake district and when Gary comes to collect the baby, Tina's going to row out to where her father drowned, throw the baby overboard at the spot where her father drowned, and tell Gary to hurry up and dive in quick, then 'accidentaly' hit Gary on the back of a head with the oar, as he falls in in unconscious, after which she pulls the real non-toy baby from under some shawls, rows back to shore
    and hands it over to Izzy, saying: "Gary fell over in his excitement, there was nothing I could do."

  7. Dilly Daydream - I second that comment about the vile Norris!! Thought I would never say it but I wouldn't miss him if he left now that his character has been completely ruined by his complete surrender to the dark side.
