Wednesday 5 December 2012

Nasty Norris Cole

Is it just me, or has Norris become a really vile little man in the past few years? Back when I first liked the character, he seemed to be something of a bumbling gossip, always saying the wrong things at the wrong time.

In recent years, Norris seems to have moved from accidentally spilling out secrets to being just plainly antagonistic toward pretty much everyone, he doesn't even seem to show much care for Emily or Rita either.

His behaviour in Sunday's episode was simply appalling. He could see that Tommy didn't want everyone to know about Tina's pregnancy, and Rita had told him a good enough reason to keep it secret, but what does Norris go and do? Announce it to the Rovers. I'm starting to hope that he crosses the wrong person sometime soon.

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  1. I have to agree that Norris is a despicable little scrote.

    The way he treated his brother Manuel, for example, was a total disgrace.

  2. His continuous open contempt for Dennis is a new low. I do not find it comedic if that is what the writers intended. Perhaps he could witness Kirsty beating Tyrone or Fiz.

  3. Norris has always been a nasty little oik. He was horrible to Derek Wilton many a time, taking great pleasure in Derek's dismay over the gnomenapping, hiring Derek as his lackey when he went to work for Derek's ex, Angela. It seemed like he was always rubbing Derek's nose in something, or winding him and Mavis up.

  4. Norris had one redeeming feature in that he really cared about Rita. She is probably the one person who can bring out his soft side. Now that she's betrayed him by marrying Dennis, he's become bitter and twisted. Like all good villians, he should show an Achilles heel and we're not getting it at the moment which makes him very one-dimensional.

  5. I thought Rita sold the Kabin to Norris so there doesn't seem to be any reason for her to work for him and she doesn't seem to need the job if she can offer Tommy money for him and Tina to help with their debts.
    She should be like Emily and be there dispensing advice and support to her friends.
    The suggestion that Norris could witness Kirsty beating Tyrone or Fiz would be nice but Norris would be so terrified that he would be Kirsty's next victim that he wouldn't do anything but hide under his bed and wait for someone else to expose Kirsty.
    Actually I think we need a storyline that would shut him up that type of behaviour is not helping either the character or the Street it's just irritating.

  6. Agree that he's really a bitter and nasty character, and, like HD says, he has become very one-dimensional. However, I do think that it's very real-like because there are people like his character in families and communities all over the world who behave that way and annoy the heck out of everyone.

  7. I've always despised Norris - creepy little evil-minded scum. Maybe Tracy or Kirsty will kill him.

    ~JB in Canada

  8. Like the rest, Norris has been on the top of my 'get rid of him' list for quite a while now. There have been many times I've wanted to throw a brick at the telly when he appeared due to his nastiness, arrogance and general behaviour I despise in people like him. I get his depiction is supposed to be 'real', however the need to spread gossip for his own benefit is not worth keeping him around. There is rarely any humour with him and how he treats others makes me feel the writers have set him up for big visit from the Karma monster... sooner than later me thinks.

  9. Like the rest, Norris has been on the top of my 'get rid of him' list for quite a while now. There have been many times I've wanted to throw a brick at the telly when he appeared due to his nastiness, arrogance and general behaviour I despise in people like him. I get his depiction is supposed to be 'real', however the need to spread gossip for his own benefit is not worth keeping him around. There is rarely any humour with him and how he treats others makes me feel the writers have set him up for big visit from the Karma monster... sooner than later me thinks.

  10. Agree with the comments but I wouldn't want to see him leave as when written properly his style of character is very much in the classic Corrie mould. Getting rid of Mary would also help.

  11. Norris has no redeeming qualities so his rudeness and vile character leave no room for forgiveness. Just why does Rita put up with his constant put-downs of Dennis? She should haul off and slug him, tell him to shove his job and leave - she doesn't own the place anymore.

  12. Norris and Mary seem to have been drinking the same villian potion over the past year at least. It is true that the world in general has become more antagonistic and people tend to be rude and pompous, but it's my experience that this type of personality appears in the young and very old, not folk Norris and Mary's age. As there is little reason or background given for this behaviour, these characters remain one dimensional and annoying.

  13. Shanny said: I LOVE NORRIS!!!! He and Blanche were awesome together when bantering back and forth. :) I miss Blanche. She was Norris's equal in many ways.
