Saturday 8 December 2012

Looking back at 12 months of Corrie: November 2012

Here we go with November in our look back at this year month by month.  If you'd like a full synopsis of everything that happened this month in Corrie, you can read the Corrie weekly updates website and our blogger Tvor's State of the Street for each month.

This blog post is purely my own highlights and lowlights for each month of the year so far. These are my own personal likes and dislikes for Corrie so do chip in with your own and remind me of anything major I've missed that happened during each month too.

So here we go with November 2012


Wendy flamin' Crozier tries and fails to get her claws back into Ken when he falls asleep on her soft furnishings. 

Lewis decides to get revenge on Gail and starts by trying to charm the pants off her: "You're the Koh-i-noor of Coronation Street."

Michelle returns from Ireland. 

Always difficult to watch and it keeps getting worse - as the acting keeps on getting better.  Fiz gets her finger sewed into a gusset as Kirsty's campaign of evil steps up a gear. 


Ryan gets Sophie knocked over playing with the traffic while he was high on drugs. 

Gloria leaves under a cloud and in the back of a cab after setting the honey-trap for Lewis.  Bring back Gloria! Now!

Surrogacy rumbles on and and on and on. 

Marcus decides he's not gay. Kirk's not the only one confused and asks Marcus: "Did you feel yourself slipping away or did you find it happening when you weren't looking?" 

Five-a-side football match between The Weathy Arms and the Rovers Return. So full of comic potential, Corrie did these sort of things wonderfully in the past. Not any more. 

Eva, Rob, Steve and Michelle kick-off in a Sheffield hotel.  Again, this should have been funny, the potential was there. What happened?

St Ella gets anointed with holy water from above when the bathroom springs a leak. It was like Lourdres had come to Salford.

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  1. The fact that you actually wrote, "Marcus decides he's not gay" is beyond archaic and offensive. Grow up.

  2. You do realize this is all tongue-in cheek?

  3. why all the love for Gloria? She's insufferable!

  4. I do love the courage of people who post nasty comments using the name tag Anonymous. Anyway, Anonymous - how would you phrase Marcus' change of heart from men to women, then if it wasn't a conscious decision?


  5. Was Michelle coming back from Ireland really a highlight?
