Monday 10 December 2012

Coronation Street double episode review, Monday 10 December

Leanne eloquently expressed every woman's packing dilemma tonight and after her geography lesson from Nick concerning the location of Las Vegas being in the Nevada desert, she concludes that she'll just take everything.

There was certainly a buoyancy in Leanne's step conveying her excitement about the trip and the wedding. Just as everyone is ready to wave them off, Peter, with incredible timing, turns up and as a result the plans go awry. Of course, Simon, who hasn't seen his dad for a long time, wants to stay with him especially when Peter gives him a brand new scooter. 

Peter has noticeably changed. There is a preternatural calm about him, a determination not to be riled, due it seems, to the fantastic programme he has been on in Los Angeles. He appears very tanned and displays a rather smug facial expression. Carla appears subdued, but did pipe up that she missed nobody. Peter seemed pleased to have caused all the chaos and merited a telling off from Carla when she told him to stop it. Carla slopes off to the factory for a row with her little brother and a denunciation of the 'cheap and nasty tat' they are churning out.' As Rob storms off, Carla declares. 'Joy to the world'. Yes Carla, quite.  She is keen to get Christmas over with and head off back to California. 'Two weeks of torture then back to the sunshine.'  But Peter clearly has other ideas and plans to stay in Weatherfield. Understandably Simon is very keen for his dad to stay and by way of persuasion even offers to be nice to Carla.

Lewis's plan seems to be working wonderfully well. How cosy he and Gail looked on her sofa! But, he'll be moving on because his back is getting better. As Gail points out, there's no rush. She tells him she'll miss having him to talk to and he reciprocates by claiming he'll miss the daily diet of crises. So it looks like mission accomplished for Lewis. It will be interesting to see what will happen when he does move out. The writers have created a real treat here. Audrey's reaction to the shenanigans will be of interest  regarding her darling daughter. It's a slow burn but a gripping one.

Less interesting and nearing the farcical is the dispute between Dennis and Steve and the double banning. So Dennis can't travel in a Streetcars taxi and Steve can't buy his cigs from the Kabin. Maybe a uniform does breed an overblown sense of power, but as Rita points out, her son, sorry, husband is doing a responsible and important job. Will she be fighting all his battles for him? Steve refers, rather hurtfully, to Rita as Dennis' sugar-mummy.

Kylie was superb tonight. A real woman of action, ignoring advice not to be daft, she asks in the best line of the night ,'What's daft about cold-blooded murder?' She grabs a crow bar and seeks out the errant David in Tina's flat.  David explains himself and when Kylie asks how much Tina is being paid to be a surrogate, he claims he doesn't know, but then lands a very low blow when he tells her that she should know as she is the expert in buying and selling kids.

A good episode tonight, considerably spiced up by Peter and Carla's arrival. A Christmas Day wedding, Carla back on the booze, a budding attraction between Stella and Jason, Tyrone and Kirstie's difficulties, Tina and Tommy's problems to mention just some, should provide excellent viewing in the build up to Christmas and on Christmas Day itself. 

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  1. Is anyone else reminded of Steve badgering Becky into having a baby, which led to the destruction of their marriage? Me thinks David has taken a page out of that book. Kylie should have referred to her propensity to selling children as a reason David shouldn't be pushing her into having another one! Why she'd bother taking a crowbar 'round to Tina's to "fight for her man" is beyond comprehension. Kick him to the curb, scrape yer shoe and move on.

  2. Doesn't Dev still sell cigs? Mike Baldwin always shared his custom between the Kabin and the corner shop for his cigars. Steve won't have to go far for them at least.

  3. Are Steve and Dev still on the outs? I can't recall whether they made up after the whole Becky robbing the corner store situation.

  4. "...Peter has noticeably changed..."
    i- For the better? Superficially you'd think so; but consider what happened when Simon ran to Peter.

    Did Peter, if he truly believed in wanting the best outcome for EVERYONE go the extra mile of self sacrifice to reassure Simon that everything would be alright, that it would make him happy if, he Simon, went with Leanne and Nick to the wedding?

    No, instead, Peter beamed beatifically with a calm air of:
    "What the kid wants, the kid gets. Who are we to argue with Simon?

    Just so long as long as what the kid wants, is the same as what Peter wants.

  5. Once a manipulative, selfish prat, always... This leopard won't change his spots.

  6. Hated Peter and his constant smirks. And did not like Simon's attitude - the kid needs a slap.

  7. Not liking this new Peter - all calm and a little too smug. Looks like Carla can hardly cover her disdain for Ken and Dreary. What's with letting Rob talk to her as if she was a machinist and not the bloody owner of the Faktry!

  8. Oh, and don't forget the riveting hunt for a fella for Stella.

    As good as Mandy, Gail and Lewis were today, Steve, Tommy and Peter were equally huge letdowns. 3 idiots who need to grow up. Steve, enough with the childish pranks and schemes, you're pushing 40 and they always backfire. Tommy, you're the dope who is in debt up the wazoo but couldn't get a job until Tina, who sacrificed to pay off those debts, got one for you. Peter, you call first. And you gave Leanne custody, so you don't get to swan in any time you want. Prat.

    I get the whole weak men strong women thing, but these guys are total losers. Blech!

  9. Frosty the Snowman11 December 2012 at 07:00

    Why would David have a shower when he lives a stone's throw away, same with staying the night. Putting his dirty clothes back on? Doesnt make sense and very contrived. Has Peter had his teeth done? Couldnt stop looking at them, and Simon is a brat who rules the roost. I actually feel sorry for Nick. And shut up Mandy face telling Jason rudely less talk more work - you are just the pub cook and a pretty pointless interfering character.

  10. Agree with comments mentioned above - what a scary moment one felt seeing Peter on screen it's his born again look - ugh and the family opening their arms to him no growls from Ken? Little simon needs his bottom smacked rude is not the word. Poor Leanne which they had left earlier but that;s soap life for you. Peter bringing expensive presents for Simon and being so nice to everyone - I smell a rat - fireworks will happen. Madam Eva with that smirk as she hugged Leanne oh yes the fun is only starting.

  11. I'm beginning to change my mind about Peter. Smug, manipulative and not very pleasant. Stick with Carla - match made in heaven. I felt sorry for Nick, too, as he's a far better prospect than Peter. Thinking about it, if Carla and Peter split, Simon is quite likely to want to live with his dad again. Yuk, this story is going round in circles.

  12. Tuned into the second episode for the first time in ages and thought that I was watching a repeat. Stella being "caring" over Leanne, (making up for 30 lost years), Leanne, Peter, Nick, Carla shenanigans and Carla throwing a strop in the factory. Zzzzzzzzzzz


  13. Last night was a big yawn. It feels like they've never been gone, and it was all very predictable. Peter really got on my nerves last night! It actually left me feeling sorry for Nick (!)

    It was far too predictable for Carla to reach for the bottle at the end of the episode, although I don't blame her for escaping the Barlow's and Deirdre's cooking. And blimey, Rob has really got some idea of himself! He needs to be gone pretty sharpish!

  14. "...Looks like Carla can hardly cover her disdain for Ken and Dreary..."

    - Think it goes both ways, only Dreary disguises her disadain better, did you notice:

    Carla:"Can I help you in the kitchen?"

    Dreary:" No, everything's fine, but thank you."

    And the very second Carlas closes the front door behind her - the very second! Dreary shouts out:

    "Ken! Come and help cut these carrots for me!"

  15. I don't get how Rita can offer to throw loads of dosh at Tina but when Dennis buys a few presents for her, she freaks out telling him she'll be in the poor house or summat!! His 'mother'...good un.

  16. Oh Frosty I was thinking the same thing this morning about Mandy! Just hired, the part-time cook, so what authority does she have telling Jason to get back to work and now on the prowl for a fella for Stella - a little too familiar after knowing them for five minutes. Nope, not warming to Mandy at all.

  17. A minor point but it may mean something. There was a shot of Ruby who is very dark skinned. Kirsty is biracial and light skinned, therefore there is no way her baby by a white man would be that dark. Jason Grimshaw is also one quarter African, the same as he actor who plays him, but Jason looks white. Perhaps by casting a dark skinned baby as Ruby we are being set up for Tyrone not being the father after all.

  18. I was looking forward to the return of Peter and Carla but it was really quite disappointing, fell flat for this fan.
    Just to echo above, just more of the same old, same old very boring.

    Kylie I <3 !!

  19. I've never really liked Peter (he's selfish and manipulative) and he's ruined Carla,who was always brash and bossy but still had a good heart underneath. I am bored to tears by the back and forth of that group (Peter, Leanne, Nick, Carla and Simon, with Eva in the wings waiting to scoop up the leftovers).

  20. It would be nice to be able to post a review but unfortunately
    the 8.30pm episode from Monday is still unavailable on Player!!
    There appears to be a technical hitch!!! Four days and still not sorted, they probably need some new techs!!!!
