Friday 7 December 2012

Harry Potts returns to Coronation Street

Here’s a bizarre little snippet I noticed on Digital Spy’s Soapland’s joiners, movers and leavers: Harry Potts is returning to Coronation Street.

“Who?!” I hear you cry. After a bit of research over on Corriepedia, I see Harry was a bit of a corrupt Councillor who popped up to give Derek Wilton a hard time back in late 1992. He also appeared in July 1995, having a run in with the one and only Audrey Roberts.

Played by Russell Dixon, Harry Potts is apparently returning to Corrie in a guest spot sometime during December.

I can’t say I’ve ever seen or heard of Harry Potts before – does anyone remember him? I’m wondering if he’ll be back in connection to Audrey, perhaps as a date? Let us know your thoughts/memories!

Post-blog note: Russell Dixon also played Ena Sharples in the stage version of Corrie's 1968 plays at The Lass o'Gowrie in Manchester, January 2012. Find out more.

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  1. Did he not have a story with Derek Wilton when Derek worked as a school janitor? I seem to remember Sue Jeffers also being involved.

    The actor also played a character in 1978/79 who held Albert Tatlock hostage and tried to beat up Ken Barlow, as he thought Ken was having an affair with his wife. As if he would do a thing like that?!

  2. Russell Dixon also makes a very good Ena Sharples.

  3. Graeme you're right. He was Derek's boss at the school. He was a councillor then too but his day job was chief maintenance and he was always skiving off and leaving Derek to do the work.


  4. It all came back to me in a flash. I sometimes worry about my abilities to recall so much nonsense! If it was '92 I was only 10 years old!

  5. I've written an article about him on Corriepedia:
