Thursday 6 December 2012

Carla and Peter's Corrie comeback

So Carla and Peter are returning to Coronation Street next week. As we've all seen from spoilers on the upcoming episodes their much heralded return appears to promise, well much of the same. As much as I really do like both Carla and Peter I am a little disappointed by this news.

How many times can we witness either Carla or Peter getting drunk and letting their loved ones down? How many times can either one of them neglect Simon? And how many times can Carla and Leanne scrap in the Street? I think it is a shame that after giving these characters a rest their return sees very little character development.

So what would this fan like to see?

Although it might seem boring, personally I would love to see Carla and Peter come back refreshed from their trip and in a solid relationship, as I do really like them together. I would also dearly love Carla to waltz back in to Underworld and immediately dispense with both Rob and Michelle's services. Yes, I know it will never happen, but for me Rob is a dreadful character we've all seen countless times before, played by a wooden actor. And as for Michelle... well where did she suddenly access all this business acumen? At this rate she'll replace that Hilary on Dragon's Den. I hate her lording it over the workers. Mike Baldwin she ain't! 

Anyway, I digress. What are your thoughts on Carla and Peter returning to the Street? Are you looking forward to seeing them again? And what would you like to see from them on their return? 

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  1. Surely with Carla back in charge, the Powers That Be will do the right thing and dispense with Rob? He started badly and hasn't improved - the character just doesn't click at all. And I'm not even going to mention his haircut:)

  2. I will be delighted to see Chris Gascoyne and the other players in this storyline back on centre stage. Chris, Alison, Jane, Ben? (well, 3 out of 4's not bad)are top class actors and I've really missed their performances regardless of who's with whom. The factory is a ridiculous anomaly in this day and age and Carla should sell the building for some other use. That gets rid of Rob and Michelle, and the workers can find employment in the new business. Peter and Carla only ever functioned in a bubble whether that was a secret alcoholic haze in Carla's flat or in LA. Back in Weatherfield, Peter needs a grown-up to look after him and that could be Leanne. Leanne's getting a hard time on this blog but I'm still rooting for her and Peter to reunite and care for Simon. Nick would soon find someone else and Carla - if she stays - could land a job with a property company and so bring in new characters. We need to get rid of a lot of dead wood and develop interesting storylines.

  3. If Natasha the hairdresser came back she could bring Nicks baby ? When she left the storyline left that bit open. This would surely cause trouble between Nick & Leanne. Also is Eddie W coming back to see his grandson? He could come back a changed person due to his exploits abroad &would stir things between Anna and Owen . I too am looking forward to Carla and Peters return and agree that Chris Alison and Jane are good actors. Also agree Rob should go and Michelle given something else to do ( off screen if poss) .

  4. I completely agree!

    I love the Peter and Carla pairing, I've always found them compelling to watch and I think the writers and the actors did a fantastic job conveying the intensity and the spark - that was pretty much there from the beginning of their friendship. But surely when the writers decided to put them together, it was not just so that we could watch them go round in circles with Leanne and Nick.

    I would love to have seen them come back - as you said - in a solid relationship. I don't think it would be boring at all. What I find boring and tedious, is watching the same sort of thing over and over. This whole thing about Peter being torn between two women lost its appeal a long time ago. Then there's the Nick and Peter rivalry that is quite frankly, laughable now. And again, like you said, we aren't seeing any character development and that's a real shame.

    Having said that, I'm very glad Carla and Peter are back. Alison King and Chris Gascoyne have been sorely missed. Personally, I would like to see them in storylines that don't involve Leanne and Nick - but I won't hold my breath.

  5. I've never been keen on Peter and Carla. The acting is fantastic, but they are not a plausible adult couple. They're more like a vacation hookup, one that works on the beach, but doesn't have what it takes to thrive in the world of jobs, housework and responsibility. Wonder what Leanne will do for work once Peter gets back? They'll probably keep her at the bookies for story purposes, but that wouldn't happen in the real world. Hmmm

    Yeah, and if they can Rob, okay. If Nick gets hurt, not okay, he's growing on me. Nick and Lloyd are the only non-weak men left on the street.

  6. I don't live in Manchester but the idea of a back street nicker factor does feel draconian. As does the management style of Rob/Michelle/Carla:"get back to work you lot or else you'll find yourselves sacked." I agree, another business which employs people and more up to date employer/worker dialogue would help.

  7. Maybe the writers can come up with something other than the Peter/Carla/Leanne/Nick quartet going around again. I thought Carla was this independent free-thinking business person, but as soon as Peter was part of the equation they turned her into a mealy mouthed whimp IMO. They need to get her back to where she started from..strong and resourceful and not dependent on any man to make her life complete. Hoping she sacks Kirstie and reinstates Fiz..she should be able to recognize Kirstie for the lying nut-job that she is. I'm also hoping she ends it with Peter after coming to her senses (if the writers come to theri senses I mean) and gets back to the Carla who first landed on the street.

  8. Personally I am not a Peter/Carla fan. I find that pairing of characters just too sickening to watch anymore. They are the loudest kissers in the world (which is just silly now) and I am just tired of the on/off drunk thing, him being such a weasel giving up his son to be with her etc...Their collective baggage is too much. The jealousy thing between Peter/Carla/Leanne/Nick is old now, way too old.
    The thought of them coming back is is just...ugh.
    Why can't this show have one...just one happy normal couple? It does happen in real life. Remember when Corrie used to be about real life? That was the strength of the show. Now it's all deceit,backstabbing shouting matches and characters who are just useless.
    Rob? Really?
    Tommy Get a Proper Job Duckworth?
    Ryan I Need Acting Lessons Connor?
    The list goes on and on...
    I will keep watching in hopes that the writers will smarten up and write some credible story lines for a change.

  9. I've really missed Peter and Carla. I do love them together and I think they're brilliant to watch when they're supporting each other. You know there is always going to be drama where Peter and Carla are concerned but WHY are the writers just recycling storylines?

    1) Carla starts drinking
    2) Carla turns up drunk at the school gates
    3) Carla argues with Simon
    4) Carla drink drives
    5) Leanne attacks Carla
    6) They fight
    7) Peter is torn between Simon and Carla
    8) Peter and Carla break up
    9) Peter tries to get back with Leanne
    10) Peter fights with Nick

    We've seen it all before.

    Writers, is there any chance we could see Carla and Peter together and out of the love square thing?! It has been going on for years, so please let the characters move on because no one wants to watch them all go round in circles.

    (PS. Underworld is Carla's - someone needs stop Rob from getting his hands on it!)

  10. Peter and Carla's return is most welcome but not the fighting and sniping with Nick and Leanne and I'm sure the returning battle of who gets custody of Simon now that Peter is back and supposedly dry. I'd like to see the Faktry turned into some other kind of business with Rob and Michelle given the heave-ho on a slow boat to China, along with Ryan. Nick should get together with either Eva or have Natasha return. I'd like to see Leanne with Steve (once his buffoon days are over).

  11. I completely agree with your blog and it's such a waste of these characters to be returning for more love triangle/child tug of love stories. I nearly fell asleep just typing that sentence, so boring is all that nonsense.

    Peter and Carla are not a credible couple. She's way out of his league. And these nonsensical meetings with "clients" are just laughable. Carla should shift all the production to China and find a source of employment where it would at least be somewhat believable to take on workers with no previous experience. Eileen and Eva as machinists? Really?

  12. I haven't missed these two as a couple IN THE LEAST!!

    I didn't mind Carla as a single or even in a couple as long as she's not trying to steal some other woman's bloke. I don't mind her in the factory either, but I can't abide the whole, will they won't they continue drinking and can she save Peter saga, so over it.

    Peter is bearable if he keeps to the bookies. He constantly veers from abrasive to needy and it annoys the crap outta me. Talk about irritating. He rarely gets on with anyone and you just know he isn't going to let matters lie when he finds out Leanne is going to marry Nick. He won't want her, but then he won't want Nick to have her either. And so the saga will continue. Over and over again, a bit like the fairground ride you can't get off when you realise it's going to make you puke.

    For gods sake, if you're going to bring these two back, do something else with them...pleeeeeease.

  13. I'd forgot about them until they've been mentioned this week, that's how much I've missed them. They had become so repetitive that I was glad to see the back of them to be honest. Hope to goodness the writers have some new exciting stuff up their sleeves for these two and not the same old same old.... that would be the final straw!

  14. Frosty the Snowman7 December 2012 at 08:42

    Although Chris and Alison are great actors, I havent missed the characters either and its not really credible that they would come back. Like everyone else I am fed up with the merry go round cycle of these four plus Simon. From the trailers Carla looked dog rough as well.

  15. I love their chemistry. Alison King and Chris Gascoyne are superb actors and I have missed Carla and Peter very much (I don't think Corrie has had that much drama since they've been away) but like everyone else, I don't want a repeat of the love square.

    I would like to see Peter and Carla facing their demons together, going to AA meetings but ultimately staying together. Otherwise, what was the point of the last two years.

    Just reading Chris Gascoyne's latest interview with Radio Times and he said, "They love each other very much and have a passionate relationship. It's obviously quite tempestuous." So I think they will be on and off but keep getting back together.

    I don't reckon Leanne should be with Peter or Nick. She would be better off alone. I don't know if she marries Nick (?) but sooner or later, she will feel trapped in that relationship. They will end up arguing constantly, and that won't be good for Simon.

    Simon should be back with his dad.

  16. I haven't missed them either.

    Can't stand Peter or Carla and there's no chemistry between them.

    Would have been very happy if they never came back, ever.

  17. I'm on the Peter/Carla team too.

    Not keen on their return storyline though!

    Still, I'm very glad the characters are back on my TV screen! :D

  18. It might be cute to have Hillary De Vain show up as Carla's mom.

  19. Peter and Carla are far more entertaining than most soap couples.
    I find their relationship fascinating. The acting is always brilliant. Most soap couples become boring after a while but with those two, that's not case. They are very intense, dramatic, destructive, passionate and very convincing too. I don't think any other soap couple can match-up to them.

  20. Janice - Carla's Mom died during here relationship with Frank.

  21. Boring. I expected there would be a completely new development with their relationship, and with Carla's drive, possibly a new biz relationship also. It's terribly the same, unfortunately. To my mind, tho some would say the same was true of Peter and Leanne's relationship, P & L somehow always felt fresher to me.

  22. I'm all for Carla and Peter now. I love how the script writers constantly throw dramatic scripts at Alison King. She's superb but is her character, Carla, ever going to have a little bit of happiness? It's not believable for someone to go through so much misery and tragedy.

    Without Simon, Peter and Leanne's relationship would be pointless. I wish they'd stop going back to him and Leanne. It's dull.

  23. I've been dreading their return. I love Carla but Peter is just a nasty piece of work with no real redeeming features. He's weak, abrasive, cowardly and selfish, and I think he's ruined Carla, who went from brash tycoon-with-a-heart to clingy lush. I'm dreading more of the same merry-go-round with Nick, Leanne, Simon, Carla and Leanne; there's no resolution and no escape from it. I suspect Peter won't want Leanne back but won't want her to be happy with Nick or anyone else; he'll use Simon as an excuse but that won't be the whole reason. Just praying Carla wont' fall prey to the whole "every woman under 50 must have a babby" thing that the Street has going on right now, and start gestating a Barner/Conlow nightmare to bore us all with.

    I agree that Carla would see right through Kirsty; she knows Fiz well enough to stand by her. I also would have thought she was too savvy a businesswoman to leave her business in the hands of her ex-con brother and a former pub singer; how did Michelle suddenly turn into someone who could run a factory?

    I have long thought it would be more realistic (and would relieve some of the claustrophobic feeling the Street sometimes gives me) if more residents had jobs elsewhere. Marcus obviously can't be a midwife anywhere but the hospital, and when Kirsty was a cop she was out and around. Why not have someone working in an office or shop away from the Street? We wouldn't (necessarily) have to SEE them in that workplace but a character could bring a coworker back to the Rovers or something, like Marcus did with Aidan, and it would open things up a little more. I swear Tommy is only unemployed living in a city of 2 million+ people because of the unspoken "law" that he can only find a job within 20 yards of his front door. Let's expand it a little! Again, not calling for new sets to be built, but we could see Tommy coming home from his job cleaning hotels or whatever.
