Monday 3 December 2012

Bring back Margi Clarke to Coronation Street

Lucky locals: Ex-Corrie actress Margi Clarke reveals she now works as a barmaid in a pub in LiverpoolTabloids reported at the weekend that ex-Coronation Street actress Margi Clarke is now working in a pub as a barmaid to make ends meet between acting roles.  

By 'eck... what's she doing in a bar when we need her back on the cobbles as Jackie Dobbs to help save her son Tyrone from evil, crazy Kirsty?  

Bring Margi Clarke back, right now, Corrie boss man. Giver her a reason to return - ooh, how about to see her grand-daughter Ruby, for instance. And once she's there, what tiny bit of maternal instinct she ever had in her would rise to the surface to protect her son against evil, crazy Kirsty.  Oh go on, Corrie boss man, you know it's the right thing to do.

Margi is appearing in pantomime in Rhyl and says she's still in touch with her Corrie son Alan Halsall, who plays Tyrone.

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  1. oooh I'm sorry I have to disagree here! Was never overjoyed to see Margi in Corrie, and from what I remember her last appearance was pretty dreadful. I'd rather see Tyrone get himself out of his current situation.

  2. Yes me too I'm afraid. No offence to Margi Clarke but I never believed the character of Tyrone's mum. I agree however that it would b natural that Tyrone's mum would be involved. Just not the Margi Clarke version. Good luck to her tho - for other parts .

  3. She's dreadful. But I love Jackie Dobbs in small doses and I would love to see her give Kirsty her marching orders.

  4. Ooh yes, I'd love to see her back - but just for a brief visit. Enough to cut Kirsty down to size. It was great when she called Molly a 'plate-faced slapper' so I'm sure she would come up with an even better description for evil Kirsty:)

  5. Perhaps a different actress for the role, just as we had a different Nick, Ryan,Tracy. SOmeone who can act and does not look like a worse drag queen than Marcia/Marc.

  6. Kirsty in a death match with the Pink Haired Beast? No thanks. Kirsty is a terrifying psychopath, but Jackie Dobbs is a cartoonish clod. She'd only manage to destroy a good story's credibility. At a minimum she abandoned Tyrone as a child; perhaps did much worse. Her appearance now would make Tyrone look weak, a reminder of how bad his life once was and has become again.

    The only place I'd like to see Jackie Dobbs is as Tracy Barlow's newest cellmate.

  7. Margi was fabulous as Deirdre's cellmate and the storyline that followed, but wasn't so good when she came back years later. But I'd still like her to come back for a few episodes. Only trouble is, she'd wipe the floor with Kirsty without breaking a sweat.

  8. NO THANK YOU - bad enough dealing with the snivelling, spineless Tyrone, last thing I need is having his horrible mother about!

  9. What about Connie coming back for a surprise visit to meet the new baby? She could twig the situation and offer Tyrone a safe haven as she's got a big house. As for Jackie, she'd be way out of her depth with a super brain like Kirsty.

  10. Great idea Humpty. I'm liking the understated pace of this story so bringing old Jackie back would be too much of a jolt and I think not add anything to the story.

  11. Margi Clarke is TYRONES MOM period all the other Cast Changes like getting rid of Adam Rickit for the new nick was purely cause he was tied up in other work and they wouldn't wait

    NOW my View and Im a writer is Margi Clarke should come back she could have some of the best story lines ever i see her as a drug barron or in a strange turn of events she buys THE ROVERS (For a Moment) If your not going too use her Kill her off on screen that is but i have a strange feeling she is gona die off screen cause corrie bosses dont like her......... But one things for sure I am not watching the show again nor have I till.....ANNA. IZZY,GARRY,Owen are all gone or until they big in old favs like Margi Clarke and Denies Black everyone is different and I like them period lol

    But yea if Margi Clarke is not at the wedding she will be killed off screen like Angie in Eastenders LAME..... My Idea for another storyline is Her and that Red Head Treas...aka Daryl's mom should both come back and rent a place in corrie or.....SHE could come back and work in the weatherfiled arms tyrone walks in as he drinks there now to avoid kirsty or street gossip and sees his mom behind the bar next ep Margi Arrives and has her show down with Kirsty who acutely scares the sh** out of Margi....Margi than get the Famous Big Erik she is with too come save the day (Little Danny Devito Type Guy) and Kristys Dad arrives well laters ill go on for hours other wise but yea bring her back.

  12. This is for Janice Saying the New Nick can ACT hahaha dont make me laugh..... Adam Rickitt is Nick Period ......... In Life when you dont like someone you dont just wave a wand and say I want too change him too someone else than i might like him life is not like that...... Margi is Margi and at the end of the she is Tyrone's mom and Vile as she may she should be there My Idea Above is great people see her as VILE but is she was there and they slowly gave her a hart changed her than it would work

  13. This is for Janice Saying the New Nick can ACT hahaha dont make me laugh..... Adam Rickitt is Nick Period ......... In Life when you dont like someone you dont just wave a wand and say I want too change him too someone else than i might like him life is not like that...... Margi is Margi and at the end of the she is Tyrone's mom and Vile as she may she should be there My Idea Above is great people see her as VILE but is she was there and they slowly gave her a hart changed her than it would work

  14. I really agree, Jackie Dobbs come back !!
