Sunday 11 November 2012

Winner announced in our Rovers Return competition

Congratulations go to Coronation Street Blog reader Brittany Reyna who has been drawn at random from all the correct entries received to win this fab Lilliput Lane model of the Rovers Return.

Other Corrie buildings in the Lilliput Lane range include The Corner Shop, The Kabin and The Duckworths’ and there'll be new ones following in January 2013.

For regular updates on Lilliput Lane, follow the Lilliput Lane Facebook page

Check out more of our Corrie competitions here.

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  1. What happens if you win?

  2. So i win the Rovers! how do i get it?

  3. Britanny, I've emailed you as we need your address. Don't post it here but email me back with your details. Congratulations!

  4. I never got your email. Would you like to send it again please?

  5. Dear Brittany, yes, I will send it this evening again. Can you check your spam filter please as it might have gone in there.
