Saturday 24 November 2012

Looking back at 12 months of Corrie: July 2012

Here we go with July in our look back at this year month by month.  If you'd like a full synopsis of everything that happened this month in Corrie, you can read the Corrie weekly updates website and our blogger Tvor's State of the Street for each month.  

This blog post is purely my own highlights and lowlights for each month of the year so far.  These are my own personal likes and dislikes for Corrie so do chip in with your own and remind me of anything major I've missed that happened during each month too.

So here we go with July 2012


Izzy tells Gary she's pregnant but not everyone's pleased as Owen erupts with macho concern: "You've only been back together five minutes and he's not long been off his rocker!"

Lloyd returns.

Tracy moves in with Emily and makes Norris' life hell.

Mary cosies up to Roy in the cafe while Hayley's out dancing. She puts Roy off his chess move and he dribbles piccallilli on his bishop.

Peter and Carla leave for a few months. Never easy to watch but compelling all the same, Kirsty's violence continues. She smashes Tyrone's framed photograph of Jack.

Marcus moves into Maria's flat and cooks dinner for Kirk who mistakes it for a date. "It wasn't a date," Marcus reassures him to which Kirk replies:"It wasn't? But we had napkins!"

Ryan Connor returns all buff and hunked up. He's a cocaine freak and tries to rip off Underworld for compensation after faking an accident in the packing room.


Carla's brother - who had been talked about in the past and called Darren - turns up and he's now called Rob.  Lots of hype leading to lots of disappointment for this fan. 

Streetcars have a fiasco fight with Fare Ladies when Tracy tries to sabotage Steve's business.  Not even the wonderful Eileen, Steve and Lloyd could save this storyline.

Little FayE gets bullied at school.

Everything and anything with St Ella in it, which unfortunately was rather a lot, yet again.

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  1. Izzy becoming pregnant was a lowlight for me. It signified the start of the surrogacy storyline.

  2. Surely having Lloyd back at all was a highlight? Certainly more of a highlight than any of the business with loony Mary. Also have to agree that the whole Gary/Izzy is a lowlight - another unplanned pregnancy on the street swiftly followed by a story-serving miscarriage (the 3rd on the street in the last 12 months).

  3. Yes good point Anon, I'll add Lloyd returning as a highlight.

  4. Yes good point Anon, I'll add Lloyd returning as a highlight.

  5. The Fare Ladies plotline had more holes in it than a wedge of swiss cheese:) Thankfully it was over quickly. Rob Donovan continues to provide a low point in each episode he appears in. Surely once Carla takes back the reins he will be sent packing?
