Wednesday 21 November 2012

Meerkat band play the Coronation Street theme tune

The meerkats are coming to Coronation Street. Have a look at the video of the meerkats playing the Corrie theme tune... and YOU can win one of four meerkats here

Yup, Coronation Street's new sponsor is

Listen to all the other versions of the Coronation Street theme tune. 

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  1. Give me strength. I hated the furniture, but I really can't bear the compare...

  2. I LOVE the Meerkats! That was wonderful! Love the drum. So un-Corrie-like.

  3. I just love this alternative interpretation of the Corrie theme tune! I actually like the Meerkats and I am so glad they are replacing those dreadful women. I may actually start watching Corrie again!

  4. Oh they are so cute! Love them! Seemples!

  5. Nurse Florence Ganderpoke20 November 2012 at 09:37

    I'm with Dolly!

  6. Really Dolly! You stopped watching Corrie cos of a ten second advertisement at the beginning of the programme??!

  7. Loving the Meerkats at the beginning of Corrie, SO much better than those annoying women in the furniture ads.
    Hope they stay

  8. just loving the meerkats please keep them for ever

  9. Please put the Corrie opening theme back to what it should be minus the meerkats and all the rubbish .It's putting me off watching the program.

  10. What have the meerkats got to do with Corrie.stop messing about with the program .I've been waiting a while now for you to put things right .this is along running program and it feels like your taking the Mickey out of it please STOP.
