Friday 9 November 2012

Bill Tarmey obituary

Bill Tarmey, who played Coronation Street's much loved Jack Duckworth, has died today aged 71.

The Guardian have a moving obituary in which they quote a wonderful phrase from Bill:

"I'm just an ordinary guy who got really lucky."

Read about Bill Tarmey's life in The Guardian's obituary, written by Dennis Barker, here

There is also an excellent article on the BBC news with tributes from some of the current Corrie cast who worked closely with Bill, and from Liz Dawn who played Vera Duckworth.

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1 comment:

  1. Very nice piece, thanks for the link. He really did seem like such a genuinely warm and kind person.

    Alan Halsall (Tyrone) said on Twitter that it had been one of the hardest days of his life. Can't quite imagine what you must feel after working so closely to him for so many years!
