Sunday 4 November 2012

Anne Kirkbride reveals more real-life secrets

It's day two of Anne Kirkbride's interview in the Mirror.  Yesterday she revealed that working on Coronation Street is soul-destroying but she needs to work to pay her two mortgages.

Today she reveals she "stole her real life love from another woman".

She tells the Mirror: "The thing is, and I really don’t like talking about this, he was in a relationship and I didn’t want to screw anything up for him. I didn’t want to get involved with anybody who was unavailable.

Once we had to do love scenes, it was ­different. You don’t have a choice. When you are fighting an attraction and you’re faorced to do scenes like that, it’s ­inevitable. I never like talking about it ­because I’m conscious of his ex. It wasn’t nice for her, but she was ­absolutely brilliant when it all ­happened and I still feel bad about it. I’m still very sensitive to her feelings.”

Anne talks about her battles with depression, and couselling at The Priory. It's a very honest, revealing interview and you can read it all here.


  1. Frosty the Snowman4 November 2012 at 10:20

    So regular well paid work for 30 years in Britains best loved soap for a not overly gifted actress is "soul destroying" is it? Poor dear, get out the violins. Most people have mundane jobs paying peanuts. The flaming cheek of the woman.


  2. I kind of wish she hadn't done this!!

  3. My opinion of Anne Kirkbride has plummeted. There’s only one reason for doing this – naked greed.

  4. Try walking a mile in someone else's shoes!

    Panic attacks are the one of the most vile things. You never know when they're going to hit and all you want to do is quite literally run and get to somewhere that you feel safe until it's over. Standing or sitting around waiting for too long is one of the worst things for it, and for someone like Anne, who loves to keep busy, I can imagine that waiting around for hours at a time on set would make it ten times worse. That feeling that you can't just get up and leave is enough to bring one on. Irrational maybe, but real none the less. In the first article she likens it to airports and planes, all that waiting around and confinement, counting down the minutes until you're there. That says it all.

    Easy to say, 'leave then', but when you're fed up with part of a job you've been in for so many years, but you need it to pay the bills, and the thought of starting fresh somewhere new terrifies you, then I can understand how the knowledge of this would be soul destroying. Familiarity is so important and staying would be the lesser of two evils. IMO, I think this is what she meant. She said she loves the people and she wouldn't want to leave, it's just the hanging around that gets to her.

    While many people who've never been there may think of it as ungrateful for what she has, I think she's brave to speak out.

  5. Given her other talents and interests, I'm surprised that Anne didn't branch out into other activities that could have led to paying work somewhere along the way during her time with Corrie. I can utterly relate to having the wrong job, particularly one that you don't find stimulating or meaningful and the negative impact on your life and well-being. However, I cannont imagine continuing in that role, year after painful year, rather than trying to reinvent yourself into something more sustaining - no matter how much money you need or owe. We all make choices in this life, the consequences of which we must bear or make new choices. Period.

  6. Frosty the Snowman5 November 2012 at 08:29

    Now I see she is 'boasting' tht she stole her husband from another woman 20 years ago. After always being such a private person, what is wrong with her all of a sudden?
