Wednesday 31 October 2012

Yay or Nay - should Kevin Webster have a shave?

To beard or not to beard? That is the question.

Should Kevin Webster shave his Coronation Street beard off - or is there anyone out there who likes it and thinks it should stay?

If you remember, Kevin had his moustache shaved off once at a party on the Street. Two brownie points to anyone who can remember who did it?

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  1. I think the beard should stay but Kevin should go

  2. Steph Barnes; she was leading Kevin on, letting him think she fancied him. Amelia Bullmore has done well - Law and Order, UK and other things. As for the beard, it can go with its owner far away.

  3. Frosty the Snowman31 October 2012 at 08:42

    Kevin looks like some kind of down and out that is looking for Dennis's homeless shelter. YAY to beard and character going

  4. He does look a bit like a homeless man. Some beards suit men but others don't and kevin don't.

  5. Nay and it was Steph Barnes.

  6. Personally I love Kevin Webster, beard or no beard, and think Michael Le Vell is a fantastic actor. The way his character has developed over the years has been interesting to watch and its been consistent unlike many others. There are people in the world who shout the odds at everything and Kevin just happens to be one of them, lets face it he's not the most intelligent of men. I would like the beard to go as Michael has a lovely face thats all the clearer without it. Bring back the tight jeans I say!

  7. a) I don't mind the heard.
    b) I loved the way he punched Ryan. He should've pummelled him senseless!

    ~JB in Canada

  8. Never mind the beard, why doesn't he buy a new bleedin bomber jacket? Every time I see that manky old thing it makes me wince.

    1. Tell me about it. How does it still fit him. He’s had it nearly 20 years

  9. If he had a bath once in awhile that would help.

  10. Eeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww nay. It's distracting. *shudders*

  11. He looks like Matthew Corbett. :D

  12. Um I meant yay? Darn lack of caffeine.

  13. I think hes lovely with or without. Perks up my evening no end whenever hes on screen!

  14. Normally I love facial hair on men but this does not suit the character at all. However, he's a ready to join in for Movember...

  15. I don't like the beard. It's scruffy looking.

  16. Have you noticed that a lot of the guys on the Street, like Rob and Aidan, always look like they need a shave? Drives me nuts.

  17. How did Kevin get so tan - lying under too many hot engines? Is he doing Panto or some other role that he needs to have a beard/scruffy face?

  18. He is well known for experimenting with facial hair, tasche, goatie and now scruffy beard. Personally I say if thats what he fancies then let him.

  19. Rough and sexy with those whiskers or the tashe......nice to have real men on the show, just not a fan of clean smooth boys

  20. Beards can look great on a man, but only if they are groomed well. Kevin looks like a dirty old tramp who has lived rough for a while. He does not round his beard off under his kneck but lets it cover his whole kneck in white whiskers, Not a good look.

  21. Love coronation Street and most of the Case, but Kev please have a shave, if not the face under the neck it is making you look very old…
