Sunday 2 December 2012

Celebrate Coronation Street's 52nd birthday with walking tour

Celebrate Coronation Street's 52nd birthday on Sunday December 9th 2012 with a walking tour around Manchester taking in some Corrie sights.

New Manchester Walks are offering a walking tour called: The Coronation Street Story: The Soap, The Street.  If you're interested in joining the walk, all you have to do is turn up at the Midland Hotel steps, Peter Street, Manchester, at 12 noon on Sunday December 9th - and have fun. 

The walk takes you from the centre of Manchester to the heart of Weatherfield, in and out of the haunts of the actors, actresses and characters who have made Coronation Street THE street. It’s everything other than a trip down the street itself. Cost is £5 per person.

If you go on the walk and fancy writing a blog post for us about it afterwards, do please get in touch.

Full details at New Manchester Walks website

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