Sunday 23 September 2012

Cheering for a Lloyd storyline

I, for one, an really looking forward to the new storyline featuring Lloyd discovering he's got a grown daughter. He's one of my favourite characters and he doesn't get a lot of storylines of his own. While the whole Cheryl thing was ill-fitted, I was still pleased that we saw more of Lloyd than his usual support role.

Jenna, his newly-discovered daughter, has rejected him but you know this will follow Soap Plot 231 and they will make up and get to know each other. So far, I like both actors who portray Jenna and Mandy.

More thoughts about Lloyd over here.

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  1. The timeline just about works in this story. Lloyd at 48 has a 28year old daughter so he and Mandy were very young at the time. Around 19 years old when they had their affair which makes it more believable. Cheryl was far too young for him and they never looked right together. Lloyd will make a great grandpa in a few years' time.

  2. Frosty the snowman23 September 2012 at 16:53

    So far I like Mandy and understand she is to join the Rovers staff as cook. Jury's out on Jenna at the moment. If only they hadnt used the old chestnut of bedding your best friends wife which makes Lloyd a bit of a skanky dog, perhaps he should have been a friend of her brother or sommat.

  3. It happens!!

  4. I think the scripts are letting them down - but all three actors are great so I'm putting up with it. :)

  5. I am really enjoying this story, the two new actresses are great and very likeable, the characters seem to be well developed too. Looks promising.

    Everyone does crazy things at 19 I'm not going to hold it against Lloyd :)
