Friday 31 August 2012

Fab Photo Friday - August 31st 2012

It's Friday again so it's time for this week's fab Coronation Street photo. As it's holiday time, well it is for me, I don't know about anybody else, here are a couple of pictures of the Coronation Street residents enjoying the sun in Majorca.

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  1. You would never get the women doing anything like this now. Them where the days.

  2. Is that Emily second from the left? Wow they all have great bodies....I note the older members are discreetly behind. Great pic!

  3. True, Nathan, this is one of those done in the old style, fun but still classy. Them were the days.

  4. Curious; what year whas this picture taken? After Pat Pheonix's departure? I thought this was in the 70s -- did Elsie not go on the holiday? Thanks!

  5. Who is the blonde on the left waving?? Is that Bette?

  6. It would be October 1974. This was during the time that Elsie was living in Newcastle with Alan Howard. She returned in 1976.

    Front row left to right: Bet Lynch, Emily Bishop, Deirdre Hunt (engaged to Billy Walker at the time), Mavis Reilly (not married to Derek yet) and Rita Littlewood (not married to Len Fairclough yet).
    Back Row: Betty Turpin, Annie Walker, Hilda Ogden.

  7. Thanks for the time-line clarification, Tvor.

  8. A blast from the past.
    Deidre(19) wondering if she was brown yet. Blanche Hunt the centre of attention since she was left behind; Blanche even flirting with Len Fairclough. Rita going to frolick in the surf with a Spainard and shy Mavis getting a kiss.
    Lovely to see cast members who have passed on and to see present cast members'younger version. Please be patient while the time signal is on and the black space between the episodes.
    Christena from Canada
