Tuesday 3 July 2012

Video: Corrie's Michelle Keegan singing Call Me Maybe

Here's Coronation Street actress Michelle Keegan (Tina McInttyre) on a train with her mates singing along to Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen as they headed to London for a night out on Saturday.

Michelle tweeted a link to the video yesterday, adding: "Haha Check out me @littlepintsize @hmonners @fearnyx entertaining ourselves on the train! #undercovergeeks #notscared.”

Later they went out on the town to Anaya nightclub in Mayfair where they celebrated Michelle's birthday.

Their song might now be a YouTube sensation, but I'd have had to run away very fast and go and sit in the quiet coach if I'd been on their train. I know, I'm old.

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  1. LOL! It wasn't that bad! The song is one of those catchy ridiculous tunes.

  2. maggie muggins5 July 2012 at 00:28

    I think it's great that Michelle tool the train! Celebs here in North America would perhaps find that beneath them, driving everywhere! Of course, our public transport is pitiful compared to Europe anyway.
