Sunday 1 July 2012

Sue Cleaver taken ill after Kenya trip

Some of the Coronation Street cast have been out filming in Kenya for a documentary about HIV.  And now they're returned, The Mirror reports today that Sue Cleaver, who plays Corrie's Eileen Grimshaw was rushed to hospital after contracting a mystery bug while filming out there.

Sue has had emergency tests and spent a day-and-a-half in hospital but thankfully doctors have ruled out malaria. She is now recovering at home and it is not known when she will be well enough to return to the soap.

A show source told The Mirror: “No one really knows what’s wrong with Sue, but she’s been feeling very ill. It started pretty much as soon as she got back from Kenya. Obviously serious alarm bells start ringing when you come back from Africa feeling unwell ­because you hear so many horror stories about people contracting ­diseases out there.”

Sue was in Kenya with soap co-stars Brooke Vincent (Sophie Webster), Ryan Thomas ­(Jason ­Grimshaw) and Ben Price (Nick Tilsley) to film a documentary called Corrie Goes To Kenya. Due to air on ITV1 later this month, the programme filmed the stars visiting local tribes still struggling after last year’s famine. They were also there to raise awareness of HIV and AIDS.

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