Monday 2 July 2012

Sneak preview of tonight's double Corrie - Monday 2 July

Coronation Street, Monday 2nd July at 7.30pm

Note: Extra episodes this week

AN OLD FRIEND GIVES STEVE A HEADACHE. Business is booming at Streetcars as a nearby taxi firm has gone bust. Steve's out in his cab when he spots smoke coming from a cab owned by rival firm Prima – to his surprise Lloyd walks out of the smoke towards him. Explaining it as a stop gap an embarrassed Lloyd is forced to reveal he lost most of his money in an ill-advised property deal. Insisting on helping his old mate Steve fetches Lloyd back to the street, offering him the spare room at the flat and to come back to Streetcars. Chuffed Lloyd accepts. But when he bumps into an irked Karl and makes it clear he's going to be his boss again Steve's puzzled, he was offering Lloyd a job as a driver not co-owner. How is Steve going to get himself out of this one?
SEAN AND MARCUS FACE UP TO LIFE APART. Marcus has spent the night at Maria's but as he returns to no.11 to pick up his things he and Sean come face to face. It's emotional as they remember the happier times but they manage to part on good terms as Marcus reveals he's moving back to London for a clean break. However when Marcus tells Maria of his plans she's floored and puts forward a compelling case for him to stay. Will Marcus agree?
ANNA ENDS UP WITH A HOUSEFUL AT NO.6. With Fiz, Katy and Chesney all struck down with a virus Anna offers to take Hope and Joseph to hers for a few days. Seeing her struggling Gary and Izzy offer to help.
Elsewhere when Hayley's salsa partner is taken ill on the day of her exam she asks Norris to step into the breach

Monday 2nd July at 8.30pm

STEVE’S DAY FROM HELL BACKFIRES ON LLOYD. As Lloyd moves his things into the flat Eileen urges Steve to set him straight about their 'partnership'. Knowing the conversation is going to be awkward Steve's keen to avoid it as he arranges for Kevin to view no. 13. There Tracy and Beth do their best to put Kevin off the house. Kevin sees through it but when he tells Steve of their plan he's furious, sick of people treating him like a mug. When Lloyd then walks into the cab office revealing the bank have agreed to lend him the money to buy back into Streetcars Steve lets rip. As he explains he's not selling shares after the mess he left him in Lloyd's stung and old tensions resurface.
IZZY AND GARY ARE LEFT HOLDING THE BABIES. As Izzy and Gary take over the babysitting while Anna goes to work Izzy quizzes Gary over how he feels about babies. Will she get the answer she's hoping for?
SEAN HAS A HEARTBREAKING SURPRISE. Sean's thrown when Marcus reveals that he's decided to stay around and is living at Maria's. Can he deal with the love of his life living just over the road?
Elsewhere as Hayley drags Norris off to the dance exam Roy and Mary settle down to a game of chess. Who will triumph?

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  1. "...When Lloyd then walks into the cab office revealing the bank have agreed to lend him the money to buy back into Streetcars Steve lets rip. As he explains he's not selling shares after the mess he left him in Lloyd's stung and old tensions resurface..."

    I don't get this. (Probably where I've missed the odd episode).

    I thought it was Steve who let Lloyd down? Didn't Lloyd lend cash to Steve in order for Steve to pay Kylie off? I thought Lloyd never got his money back (obviously he must have - selling the Rovers tenancy to Stella - was that how Steve repaid the loan to Lloyd?

    As for Lloyd departing without notice - staff turnover is a given for small businesses, so that shouldn't have been such a biggie for Steve to overcome.
    An inconvenience - yes; an insurmountable obstacle - no.

    Was Lloyd fully repaid of the loan he gave to Steve?

    Also Lloyd helped Steve finacially when Steve was on his knees; now Steve won't return the favour to help Lloyd get back on his feet???

    Feels more like a weakly-concocted disagreement.

  2. I assume the reference is to the fact that Lloyd sold his share in Streetcars to Becky without reference to Steve, which caused him no end of a headache with Tracy.

  3. Yes, of course - Lloyd sold his shareholding to Becky! The incredible twists and turns in soapland, don't bear deep burning to memory.

  4. And when Steve bought Lloyd's house, i would presume that would have included the amount he still owed Lloyd though really, it was owed the business, not Lloyd personally, i think.

  5. Actually the transmitted episode didn't play out so badly for Steve - it's Lloyd who's over-egging the situation, and Steve doesn't really 'let rip at Lloyd' so much as embarrassingly informs Lloyd he's reading more into the offer of work than was intended.

    In the end it's Lloyd who behaves boorishly.
