Sunday 8 July 2012

Sneak preview of tonight's Corrie - Sunday 8 July at 7.30pm

Coronation Street,  Sunday 8th July at 7.30pm

PETER'S HATRED OF NICK ERUPTS AT SIMON'S PARTY. It's Leanne and Nick's turn to host a birthday party for Simon at the Bistro. Carla's dreading it as Peter's adamant he won't have Nick playing daddy again. Nick's pulled out all the stops with an entertainer for the kids and Peter's riled. When he then hands over a surprise present – a laptop – the red mist descends and Peter accuses Nick of trying to upstage him. Nick denies it but when he says Peter's behaving like a child he loses his cool and punches Nick. As Simon cries Leanne's had enough and comes to a shock decision.
TRACY REALISES IT'S THE END OF THE LINE. With Kevin wanting to move into no.13 ASAP Steve tells Tracy and Beth he wants them out of the house. But claiming they have rights the women say they need at least a month's notice. With a hefty repair bill to pay for Lloyd's sabotaged cabs Steve needs the house sale and offers the girls £1k if they're out within 24 hours. Will Tracy finally admit defeat?
THINGS GET WORSE FOR BULLIED FAYE. Anna's puzzled as Faye drags her feet about going to Simon's birthday party. There the bully picks on her again and as the nasty texts and Facebook messages continue Faye takes her upset out on Anna.
Elsewhere Izzy and Gary tell Anna and Owen their news. How will they react?

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  1. Why drag all this drama out about Steve and Lloyd when we all know that they are going to become partners again, unless is to give Tracy something to do.

  2. Hayley's Dancing Shoes8 July 2012 at 17:59

    You can ban or block certain people on facebook and have your page settings set to friends only to view, you can also block texts from certain numbers, so a big yawn to this storyline...... In the words of another big yawn on here....Uber tiresome & pointless.
