Tuesday 3 July 2012

Corrie's Cherylee Houston writes play for Radio 4

News from this week's fab Inside Soap magazine is that it includes an interview with Cherylee Houston, who plays Izzy Armstrong in Coronation Street.

Cherylee says the most expensive thing she's bought since she started on Corrie has been a special magnetic bed to help relieve the pain she suffers from the rare connective tissue disorder, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.  She says in her spare time she enjoys gardening and writing and she's written a play!  What a woman!

She says: "I've been doing some writing. I wrote a book which hasn't been published yet, but it's just been commissioned to be a Radio 4 play, and should hopefully be on next year. You'll have to wait to find out what it's about!". 

See more posts about Cherylee Houston here.

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  1. Although it's terrible that she suffers from this disorder, I think it's wonderful that they've actually hired a actor in a wheelchair to play and actor in a wheelchair! Too many shows and movies used people who aren't what the character is (i.e. physically challenged, gay, etc.), rather than hiring a talented actor who already has that essetial characteristic. I find that as offensive as using blackface (or brownface), rather than hiring a person of a particular race to play a character of the same.

  2. What I love about the character of Izzy is thatvshe is so much more than her wheelchair-NN
