Friday 6 July 2012

Corrie writer to share script writing secrets

Lucy Gannon is a script writer for Coronation Street and her writing portfolio includes successful single dramas, including Dad, Tender Loving Care, Trip Trap, The Gift, and Big Cat. Her television credits include THE BEST OF MEN (Whitby Davison/BBC), MONROE (Mammoth Screen/ITV), EASTENDERS (BBC), CORONATION STREET (ITV Studios) and WILD AT HEART (Company Pictures).

Lucy will be one of the writers speaking at the Script Writing Scheme for Experienced Writers. It's a 6 months intensive course run in conjunction with the BBC Academy, London.

More information here

Find out more about Corrie writer Lucy Gannon

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  1. There was once a time I'd be interested in what soap writers had to say for themselves but with the slapdash way soaps are written now, I find I no longer care. But I would be interested in hearing from whoever decided that Annie Walker owned the Rovers and bequeathed it to Betty, an explanation for such plot driven writing would be wonderful. The worst thing about that storyline was how it insulted Betty's friendship with Bet Lynch. I'm certain Betty Driver would not have approved.

  2. Oh, I've just laughed so much at this, a brilliant, witty post - thanks so much.

  3. sorry for the comment above, I was trying to reply Scott's article - I swear I will register properly on here at some point, and find my way around, it's a fantastic site.
