Sunday 8 July 2012

Corrie weekly awards: July 2 - 6

Tripping the light fantastic award: Norris really can dance!

Green Eyed Monster award: Insecurity award: Peter's not doing well seeing "Uncle" Nick and Simon. Uncle Nick is enjoying winding Peter up.

Protest too much award: Big Mouthed Star: The more Gary went on about the bad side of looking after kids, the more you weren't surprised that Izzy came over pregnant.

That went well award: For all of Gary's complaining about babysitting, he was well chuffed about being a dad!

Back where she belongs award: Wonderful to see Eileen back in the cab office!!! and it's great to see Lloyd back, too!

Backstabbing award: Not only has Lloyd started a new cab company, he's stolen Streetcars' contracts and a few of the drivers and he tried to pinch Eileen as well!

Deal with the Devil award. Mata Hari Star: Tracy thought she could be a double agent to spy for Steve and ruin Lloyd's new company. She was rubbish at it and went too far.

Are you new here award: Gold Star: Seriously, would Lloyd REALLY take anything Tracy says as truth let alone hire her???? Do the math...really bad day...Tracy's first day on the switch. Coincidence?
Silver star: Carla reckons 9 year olds love smoked salmon, hummous and olives for party food?? And why was there champagne on the table and sad songs on the stereo?
Bronze Star: You'd think Tracy would finally clue in that Steve doesn't want her after all this time but no, she still tries and still gets knocked back.

Sports Day award: Well, wrestling *is* a sport after all.

Lines of the week:
Eileen "Steve! Get a grip!"
Norris "Saviour does have a certain ring to it"
Gary "How hard can it be?" (Two babies? Take a guess...)
Steve "I have a cunning plan!" (does that make anyone else shudder?)
Steve to Tracy "Lloyd hates you!" Tracy "I hate Lloyd!" and "When it comes to fighting dirty, I know which side I want Tracy on!"
Peter "You never lose your basic speed" (says a smoker who's going up against a regular runner")
Lloyd to Tracy "Have I got MUG written on me forehead?"
Nick about carrot cake "You don't see many rabbits with glasses on" (channeling me dad who always said that! I still hate carrots! I wear glasses. connection?)

Gentle moment of the week: Roy practicing chess moves with the salt and pepper shakers!

Post-edit note by Blog editor: Comments removed, go fight somewhere else.

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