Monday 4 June 2012

Sneak preview of tonight's double Corrie - Rita's wedding

Coronation Street's changed its schedule this week.
Check out the revised schedule here

See also: Secrets of Rita's wedding dress and hat on Corrie tonight
See also: Secrets of Rita's wedding cake on Corrie tonight

Coronation Street, Monday 4th June at 7.30pm
TINA TAKES CONTROL. It's the morning of Rita's wedding and Tommy's insisting he has to go through with the job, he can't see another way out. Tina's helping Rita to get ready but unable to take any more she dashes to the the garage determined to stop Tommy. Grabbing the holdall of drugs and a nearby petrol can she jumps into the car and drives off before Tommy can stop her. Arriving at the Red Rec she calls Rick revealing she has his drugs and if he wants to see them again he'll have to come and meet her in person. Warning a horrified Tommy to get away from the garage until she gives him the all clear Tina waits for Rick. Has she made a big mistake?
THE WEDDING BRINGS OUT THE WORST IN SYLVIA. With romance in the air Sylvia can't help making snide remarks. Roy's unimpressed but when Sylvia admits that all this talk of weddings has made her realise how much she misses Milton how will he react?  Meanwhile as Dennis heads to the register office he hopes that Rita really has forgiven him for last night!
SUNITA AND KARL PREPARE FOR A PRIVATE PARTY. The whole street's out getting ready for the Jubilee fancy dress party as Karl reminds Sunita of their plan to sneak off. Telling Dev she's going to fetch some cold drinks she beckons Karl into the shop. But when Dev goes after her is he about to catch them in the act?
Elsewhere Faye notices there's still sparks between Anna and Owen. Disappointed not to be visiting Dylan, Marcus agrees to accompany Maria and Liam to the party as Sean's now working.

Coronation Street, Monday 4th June at 8.30pm

RITA’S DRAGGED INTO TINA’S EXPLOSIVE SHOWDOWN. As a nervous Dennis waits for Rita at the register office Rick heads to the Red Rec – with Rita in his car! As he arrives Tina's on the front foot and holding the bag and petrol can she says she's going to burn the drugs as she wants him off their backs. But when Rick opens the door of his car to reveal Rita she's floored. It's Rick who now has the upper hand as he tells Tina to return the drugs to Tommy or he'll drive Rita into the canal. Rita demands to know what's going on and Tina's forced to reveal all but Rita's not intimidated by Rick and spurred on Tina holds a lighter to the drugs saying if he doesn't hand over Rita she'll torch it all. Realising Tina's serious will Rick release Rita or is her wedding day doomed?  And what does all this mean for Tina and Tommy?
SUNITA AND KARL GET A BUZZ FROM A NEAR MISS. Karl's forced to hide behind the counter as Dev comes into the shop looking for Sunita. Confused as to why the door was locked will Dev become suspicious?
ROY ENCOURAGES SYLVIA TO FOLLOW HER HEART. Sylvia's been Skyping Milton and when she reveals that he's asked her again to go over to America Roy tells her to follow her heart. But with their relationship only just rebuilt will Sylvia feel able to leave her son?
Elsewhere Faye gives her approval for Anna and Owen to get back together. As Maria thanks Marcus for helping with Liam she suggests a bottle of wine at hers to end a perfect day.

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  1. "But when Dev goes after her is he about to catch them in the act?" The only reason anyone would care is because it would mean the end of this story. Didn't Dev almost catch them last week? Deja-vu with this sick making storyline is a really bad thing.

  2. Speaking of deja-vu...didn't Roy tell Sylvia to follow her heart the last time she was thinking of leaving with Milton?

  3. Does the bottle of wine consumed by Maria and Marcus mean he goes to the other side.....and a baby results....?

  4. Does Rita Tina or rick die??!?

  5. Did Kirsty have hairdressers and make up artists in the back of the police car? They made a remarkable recovery.- Rosie

  6. What on earth happened to the Sylvie scenes? She wasn't in either episode! Were her supposed republican sentiments deemed not appropriate for the Jubilee nd end up on the cutting room floor at the last minute? And frankly would the woman who claimed to have survived "the War and three Labour governments' really be a republican? Hmm?
