Friday 8 June 2012

ITV launches interactive Corrie map

Eagle-eyed Corrie fans over at TV Forum have stumbled on an up to date official interactive map for Coronation Street and the surrounding areas..

You can zoom into the map and find out who lives where, you can also click certain things on the map such as the postbox and people on the street to get trivia and history on the show.

There's also little videos in some sections titled "Corrie Gold" which show classic scenes that took place near or inside that building, for example, the Butchers has a clip showing Ashley and Claire getting together.

Not only is it useful, but it looks really nice and detailed too, down to all the little road markings and props that you can see during the show, go check it out!

See also: Within the map there's a short video showing how Coronation Street is made. View it here.

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  1. Oh dear, perhaps before it completely live, someone should have checked the information one last time. I don't see a photo of Catherine Tyldesley as Eva Price as a current Resident of the Rovers - I see a photo of Eva Price who played Tanya. Saying that though, it looks pretty informative!

  2. What would have made it even better is if they had all the residents of each unit from the beginning of the show until present!

  3. I notice a few areas are missing like the Viaduct, Bistro, Building Yard and Victoria Court lol

  4. I wouldn't consider any of what they call "corrie gold" particularly gold. It is a nice map of the street, but the interactivity is basically pop-ups trumpeting how many viewers, how many awards, etc. I agree with Anonymous above, there should be a listing of all residents past and present at the residences. Just mho!

  5. How odd. Wonder why it's on and not the official corrie site at

  6. You should be able to zoom into the buildings and see floor plans of the interiors. Would be interesting to see how they solve the Rovers living room & toilet mysteries.

  7. Oh dear. Click on the rovers return and Eva Price comes up underneath a picture of Tanya Pooley. Clearly not Corrie fans running this map then.

  8. I think the map might be more for potential advertisers rather than fans maybe? It seems quite to be orientated as such!

  9. Excellent. I've been saying for ages that this is the sort of thing they need on the official site. It clearly needs some work and isn't finished yet but that gives the usual suspects the chance to have a moan about it I suppose.

  10. Click on the street sign logo, there's a pretty cool behind the scenes video about how an episode is made

  11. Craig, I think you're right, it appears to be targetted at a new sponsor perhaps? Can't understand why they've got such fantastic content though and are keeping it hidden from the fans and off the official site, it seems mad.
    Chewy, can't thank you enough for blogging this, it's wonderful. I've made a seperate blog post of the video itself.

  12. this is made for itv's marketing obviously but the behind the scenes video (click on coronation st logo) is very informative. also if you click on the people in the street and pigeons and cars they all have trivia and photos
