Wednesday 6 June 2012

Is Maria falling for Marcus?

It's been building slowly for a couple of weeks and there's clearly a friendship developing between Maria and Marcus. But will there be, should there be, anything more?  Er, no.

In an interview with the fab Inside Soap magazine, Samia Ghadie who plays Maria on Coronation Street talks about Maria's crush on Marcus. 

She says that it's Audrey who first notices Maria's developing feelings for Marcus and she's the one who points out the bleedin' obvious to the Corrie crimper: "You do know he's gay and it's never gonna happen!"

Samia says about Maria: "I really don't think she looks at Marcus in a sexual way. The fact that he's gay is obvious and she knows he's never going to be hers - she's not even contemplating stealing him. More than anything, she knows how he is with Liam. Her son doesn't have a father figure in his life, apart from maybe his Uncle Kirk, so Maria just thinks it's nice that Liam's got someone else who loves him now."

Anyway, speaking of Marcus, isn't it time we met his mother?

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  1. If this is the best they can do for's time for her to pack her bags and adios.

    Why aren't they fixing her up with Dr. Carter?

  2. Why not have Marcus in her life as a male role model for her son? He's a dear and all the other men she gets involved with turn out to be psycho. She could take a break from dating for awhile and explore friendship with Marcus. I sure as heck would!! :)

  3. Frosty the Snowman7 June 2012 at 08:19

    This story just shows how pointless idiotic and ridiculous Maria's character has become. Her character was exhausted ages ago and should have been written out instead of having her contract extended again.

  4. After all the losers and killers Maria has been with, it makes sense she could develop a crush on Marcus who is such a great man and a great friend.

  5. Maria's given the wrong story lines IMO. Given a decent script, she is quite good in comic scenes. We could see her supporting Kirk muddling his way through life. Time we saw more of Kirk, anyway.

  6. Change the record!! Surely the POINT of all characters is to either be part of a main storyline, or mill around in the background making the place look lived in as a SUPPORT actor until a lead storyline comes their way again.
