Saturday 9 June 2012

Getting it right and getting it wrong on the cobbles

It's been a mixed old week down in Weatherfield. The action began with the culmination of the Duckworth drug dealer saga. Three cheers for the powers that be who managed to bring this one to fruition in (for Corrie) a remarkably short space of time. Again we were teased with the prospect of trout-face Tina going to meet her maker. Yet again our hopes were dashed and the belligerent barmaid lives to see another day.

Tommy, battered and bruised, mooched around in several of his low-cut tops, edging further away from the so-called 'cheeky' character we had been promised a year ago. This perpetually sobbing wuss of a bloke needs to man-up and soon. At least whilst he is with Tina, they don't ruin another couple.

The title of Weatherfield Fag-Hag of the Year would normally be festooned (or should that be harpooned) on the doleful Eileen Grimshaw. But await! We have a pretender to the crown and it comes in the form of muddled Maria, who seems to be falling hook, line and sinker for a man who fits somewhere between Charles Hawtrey and Liberace on the league of masculinity. Give it a couple of weeks and Maria will be swooning over pictures of Christopher Biggins.

Is it worth mentioning Sunita again? Oh go on then, let's. From shop-assisant to slut, the ruination of Ms Alahan continues. She's now taken to serving up the twins pasta dressed like a brothel keeper. By the end of next week expect to see her dishing out beans on toast decked out in fish-nets and a whip. Oh I'm forgetting, we already saw Sunita's pins in all their glory last Monday (credit where credit's due - Shobna Gulati has a body to be proud of). However, this unseemly storyline soldiers on. Sunita's character change continues to jar and feels unrealistic. In addition, Karl has morphed from jovial bloke to filthy old man in a matter of weeks. If the rumours are true, Sunita is due to descend into the ranks of the soap-opera bunny boiler in the near future. All very sad and unecessary but maybe she will emerge on the other side as the till operator we once knew and loved.

Missing person award of the week is awarded to Deirdre. Presumably Mrs Barlow found the prospect of attending either Rita's wedding or the Jubilee party a complete bore. Let's imagine her holed up in number one, chain-smoking in her dressing gown and weeping over her futile attempts at making a commemorative plate.

Congratulations then to fesity Rita, a riot in peach, as she tussled with a nasty drug dealer, a rancid Norris and a dreary bridesmaid. Barbara Knox delivered in spades and in a week of so-so stories, hers was the one that stood out. Here's to you, Mrs Tanner!

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  1. brilliant! Can't see what you have against poor Tina though although she's far too good for that Tommy one.

  2. Rita had more balls than Tommy!!

    Enough of Sunita's arse already!

  3. Great blog! Problem with Tommy and Tina, they've been written as middle-aged. They're only in their early 20's and they're going for a mortgage, moping round the Rovers with the oldies and sharing a chip. Very boring.

    Sorry to say this but the actors playing Karl and Sunita simply aren't strong enough to deliver this story line. It was meant to be a bit saucy but it's degenerated, as many have said, into Carry On. The writers have tried going for humour, hiding in cupboards etc, but that just looked ridiculous. The characters' transformation happened overnight leaving fans bewildered.

  4. Barbara Knox absolutely shone in the wedding episodes. It was lovely to see her and Dennis get married eventually, even though all the drama beforehand was a tad unnecessary in my opinion.

    Not too keen on some of the other plotlines. The end of the godawful drug dealing story was a welcome relief, but I wish that Karl and Sunita's torrid affair would stop! Thankfully I eat well before Corrie's on!

  5. The wretch and the letch..Sunita and Karl. I realize that they wanted to give the actress a storyline but to totally destroy her character in the bargain was not necessary. She did a total 180 in a matter of 5 minutes..quit the on at the bar..changed her entire wardrobe to that of a pole dancer and decided to speak out of the side of her face..I suppose that means she's trying to be's all too gagworthy.

    I did love the wedding..Sally giving Kevin the gears about his shoes..sweet. The wedding song was spot on and I love Rita and Dennis together. I sure hope the writers do not destroy this couple as they have so many others but you never know

    Tommy and Tina getting back together. I was shocked at this outcome...not.

  6. Insulting Marcus? Not cool. Jerk.

  7. I completely agree about sexy specs disapearing off the face of weatherfield without any explanation. Could Ken not have said something about her being unwell? The party was right outside her front door!- Micky

  8. Get over yourself 'anonymous'! Marcus is hardly Jason Grimshaw . . . but thankfully he's not quite Sean either.
